"Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. Tonight is only its beginning. We honor the crown's oldest and fiercest ally, House Velaryon. Reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the Age of Dragons. With House Targaryen and Hou-" The King froze as his eyes locked on the figure in the doorway.

For the first time since her wedding to the King, Camilla wore neither red nor black. Instead she was clothed in a deep blue velvet, white chiffon fell from her elbows and the bodice was decorated in pearls following the curves of her body.

All eyes were glued on Camilla as she glided towards the royal table, as the guests stood up out of respect for their Queen. Daemon's eyes remained locked on Camilla's figure, he couldn't help but think how radiant and powerful she looked standing up to his brother. His lips curled up in a smile as she passed by him, the smell of vanilla and roses trailing after her.

Camilla stopped beside Viserys, greeting Rhaenyra. "Congratulations, Stepdaughter. What a blessing this is for you." Camilla placed a kiss to the King's cheek before taking her seat.

"Where was I?" Viserys whispered to Lord Lyonel, having forgotten his place.

"The joining of the two houses, Your Grace." The Hand answered.

"With House Targaryen and House Velaryon united, I hope to Herald in a second Age of Dragons in Westeros." The crowd broke out into cheers at their King's words, and a small smile tugged at Camilla's lips. She could feel Daemon's heavy lilac gaze on her. "And after tonight's small affair, seven days of tournament and feasting. At the end of it all, a royal wedding between my daughter, Princess Rhaenyra and Ser Laenor Velaryon, the heir to Driftmark."

After the King's speech, the betrothed couple stepped down from the table to begin their dance in between the tables. The drums beat as Rhaenyra and Ser Laenor circled each other, twirling and spinning around with the beat of the drums. Applause filled the room at the end of the dance and couples flooded onto the dance floor as a new song began.

Noticing a group dressed in all deep green, Camilla stood from her seat, placing a kiss to the King's cheek. She ignored the feeling of eyes on her as she attempted to disappear into the crowd.

Lord Hobert Hightower stood, realizing the Queen was approaching. "Your Grace"

"We thank you for coming, my lord."

"It is an honor to have been invited." The older man nodded, a kind smile on his face. "My niece speaks of you highly."

"Alicent is a dear friend, I had hoped she would be in attendance."

"She is sorry to have missed such an occasion, I fear the long travel was not very kind to my niece's delicate constitution."

"Oh, I shall pray for her health and recovery. She is lucky to be so close to the Citadel. I hear such wonderful things of Oldtown, I hope to visit one day."

"My house would be happy to host the royal family."

With a smile Camilla turned back to the royal table, she did not wish to join her husband. She looked at the moving bodies in the middle of the room, wishing she was still a regular lady of the court. Now that she was married any man that wished to dance with her would have to ask her husband, and she doubted any were brave enough.

A hand pressed against the small of her back, she could feel the warmth through the thick velvet of her gown. Violet eyes trailed up an armor clad chest to a pale neck and along a defined jawline. She remembered how it felt to brush her lips against the delicate skin at the corner of his jaw, the sudden inhale when she would nip at the flesh.

"Dance with me." Daemon demanded, pushing Camilla into the crowd.

"I do not wish to dance, Daemon." Camilla said, though she allowed Daemon to lead her into the crowd and spin her into his arms. One hand cupped the side of Camilla's face, tilting her head back so Daemon could look into her eyes. Fingers dug into her hip, Daemon loved how the flesh on her waist gave way to his strong, bloodstained hands.

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