Chapter 3 - The Coliseum

Start from the beginning

"You see? Problem solved, no drama." Blake said with a supportive smile, suddenly getting a loving hug from her son. She kissed the top of his head, then gasped, feeling her scroll buzz. She pulled it out and there was a message, and the speaker on her phone read out the message.

Call me when you can. It's urgent.

- Ilia

Harley looked at the scroll, then at her mom. "Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure it's just business as usual." Blake assured.

She tucked it back in her pocket, then stood up. "Okay, let's go say bye to your mom before school, huh?" Blake whispered with a smirk.

"I think she's working on her bike." Harley said. Blake chuckled deviously.

"Perfect time to pounce her, then."

Harley giggled almost the exact same way his mother did.

Outside by the garage, Yang was laid down on the floor wearing an orange vest and with all her mechanic tools on her. She was underneath Bumblebee, a newly improved version of her classic motorcycle, covered in sweat and grime from the hard work. She had her headphones on, listening to fun and loud rock music as she tightened the gears and cleaned the inner workings of her beloved bike.

Completely unaware of her loving family sneaking up on her. Blake smirked, shushing her children as they approached. "Hey Yang?" Blake said.


"My love? Love of My Life? Woman I can't live without?" Blake added.

Still nothing.

"Gods, she never learns." Blake laughed before suddenly grabbing Yang by her heels and yanking her out from under the bike.


Suddenly, her three cherished children leapt onto her in a pile of hugs and kisses on her cheek, laughing. Yang immediately started laughing, hugging the three of them tightly, and taking her headphones off. She sat upright as she hugged them, her hair tied back into a ponytail and her face marked with black stains and oil. "You little devils." She laughed.

"We wanted to say bye but you couldn't hear us!" Celese giggled.

"Well, aren't you three just the best kids a girl could ask for?" Yang laughed, looking up at Blake with an adoring smile, which Blake was reciprocating already. They'd made it... they had their dream family. "But... oh no... look at me? All sweaty and grimy, gonna ruin those pretty faces." She sighed, before giving all three of them big kisses on their cheeks, despite their adorable protests.

"Mooooom!" Ava squealed, giggling. Yang released them, still sat on the floor.

"Okay! Gotta run to school! Byeee!" Celese sang as she ran ahead, but Harley was already in front, easily the fastest of the three kids. Yang smiled as she watched them run off.

"Be safe!" Yang called out.

"And have a good day!" Blake added, both mothers shaking their heads. Yang looked up at Blake, scoffing.

"You totally planned that, didn't you?" She deduced.

"Oh, of course. I did warn you to always have one ear out." Yang said, gesturing to her ear. Yang chuckled.

"Yeah, I had that comin'." Yang agreed. The two stood together. Then Blake sighed, pulling out her scroll.

"Ilia sent me a message... said it was urgent." Blake said as she held the scroll in her hand. Yang nodded her head and got up, standing beside Blake as she called Ilia. They both walked inside of their house together, waiting for Ilia to answer.

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