An Unwanted Visitor

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Shuichi walked in to see Kokichi jumping excitedly. He also saw Himiko and Tenko sitting at the table, doing magic tricks. Miu is in the corner with Keebo, probably harrasing him again. 

"What is it Monokuma? What is it what is it what is it???" 

Monokuma stepped to the stage. "When everyone's here, I'll show you!" 

In came Gonta, Tsumugi, Korekiyo, and Angie. When the last student walked in, everything went dark. 

Shuichi yelped, immediately feeling a weight hit him like a truck. 

"Kokichi?" he whispered. He only heard a giggle in return. 

Suddenly, a bright light filled the room. A spotlight appeared and illuminated the stage. And on the stage was.... Shuichi? 

He wore a black suit and a black cap. The same one that Shuichi loved to wear.

He seemed stoic at first. Scanning the crowd, his eyes eventually landed on Kokichi. He lept from the stage and sprinted over to him. Shuichi... what should Kokichi call him? Maybe, Shuichi 2? Pooichi? Oh! Sairaha! He'll call him Sairaha and the Shuichi he knows, Shuichi... This is gonna get confusing.

Kokichi lept behind Shuichi, stopping Sairaha in his tracks. He grinned widely, waving at Kokichi.

"Kokichi! Stop hanging behind that stupid clone, hang with me instead!" 

"Neeheehee! Shuichi, are you really gonna let Saihara talk about you like that?" 

Shuichi glanced over, he knew that Kokichi wasn't very comfortable around this guy, but he didn't know what to do either. 

"Saihara? Yeah let's call him that..." Shuichi held out his hand to his other self, but was completely ignored. Sairaha was staring Kokichi down, looking hurt.

After the initial shock, everyone chimed in. Himiko interrogated Monokuma about his 'cloning magic', Tenko ranted about more 'degenerate males' showing up, Miu was raving about how Shuichi can truly fuck himself now, and chaos ensued. 

"QUIET" Monokuma screamed through the loud speakers. 

The room went still.


"Neeheehee, how is this a motive? We have two genius detectives now idiot!" 'Even if ones eccentric to say the least...' he thought. 

"That's where you're wrong my dear student! Bringing a copy of a student we already have is so boring. What I did was bring a copy, and CHANGE him to make him more INTERESTING!" 

"Oh really? And what exactly did you do to him?" Kokichi pressed.

"Ohhhh. Nothing much. It's something that's been in Shuichi all this time. I just... greatly amplified his feelings. That's all! Have funnnnnnnnn!" 

Monokuma disappeared, leaving the students with the visitor. 

Unlike Shuichi, Kokichi, and Tenko (of course) everyone was happy with the new addition to their group. Even if he's just a weird copy of an already beloved member. 


"I'm listening, I'm listening... What?" 

"Monokuma never even explained the motive. Sure, we know why he's different. But how is he a motive? He's more weird than dangerous." 

"Maybe that's a part of the motive, Saihara will do something to surprise us all and we have to be ready for it. If not someone could get hurt."

Kokichi shifted uncomfortably, but tried not to let Shuichi notice. He's been trying to be more open with Shuichi, he likes to think of them as best friends. Hopefully Shuichi thinks of him the same way. But it's hard being open after lying for so long. 

He hugged Shuichi and Shuichi wrapped a reassuring arm around him. 

"Don't worry Kokichi. If we work together, I'm sure we could figure the risk of this motive before anything horrible happens."

Reassured, Kokichi glanced back at Saihara, just barely catching him staring at him, blushing. 

Before Kokichi could think anything of it, Saihara was surrounded by his classmates. Kaito was inviting him or training, Angie wanted to indoctrinate him to her religion, and Tenko was guarding Himiko. He looked around nervously.

Kokichi turned to Shuichi. "I'm going back to my room, come on over if you want to discuss this guy."

Kokichi convinced Miu to make a copy of his keycard to his room so that Shuichi can come whenever he wanted. He had to endure various jokes and comments about what they could be doing, but it was worth it. Shuichi was one of his favorite classmates, and he wanted to see him as much as possible. He wondered if he'd ever get a copy to Shuichi's keycard.

Kokichi walked to his bedroom, occasionally glancing behind him... Wow, Saihara has him paranoid for some reason.

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