Chapter 5

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Later on that evening after Y/n finished settling in, Sportacus dropped by to check on Stephanie and her uncle, along with the intention to see if the new person stays here as well. But he unfortunately arrived just after Y/n left to wander the streets for their evening walk and to explore the town.

///Sportacus's POV///

For the rest of the day after setting my eyes on that young man from before, I couldn't concentrate on my tasks because of my curiosity that started to brew uncontrollably.
That young man didn't look anything alike Stephanie or mayor Milford, yet they seem to be relatives from what I heard.

While performing my hero duties I asked around, but the kids said that they didn't see that man anymore and that they didn't see Stephanie all day either.
But all they could talk about was how gorgeous the young man was. And I have to admit, he is gorgeous. But all I was able to see clearly were his hair, eyes and stature. I couldn't really stay and look at him in detail, but even so, he was breathtaking. And that comes from an elf.

(A/N: elves/fairies are known for their unparalleled beauty)

So, unable to control my curiosity about this mysterious young man, I headed towards the mayor's house in the evening after making sure there's no more trouble in town.

As I arrive in front of the door of the yellow house, I knock three times and wait patiently.
After a few moments, the door is unlocked and in front of me appears Stephanie with a big smile on her face.
'Hey Sportacus, what brings you here this evening?' she asks me while standing aside, letting me enter.
'Well, one reason would be to check up on you. I haven't seen you outside all day and that's something you don't see quite often!' I say laughing a bit while sitting down on the sofa in the livingroom.

'Ohhh, that just reminded me! My cousin came in town and he's going to stay here for a while, so if you see a new person with h/c shoulder length hair, that's him!' she explains enthusiastically.
'Oh? That's unexpected, I never knew you had a cousin?' I ask her, probing the water. Depending on her answer, I can see if this new person is a good addition to the town or not.

(A/N: our hero still prioritises the safety of others over beauty;)) how nice)

As if she's seen though my intentions, she snickers and says 'Oh, don't worry Sportacus, he is a sweetheart! And about your question, I never mentioned him because we didn't talk for a while. He was busy with studies and I was busy helping the people in LazyTown alongside you, so we didn't keep in touch for some time..' she adds, looking quite down. But then her face explodes in a big smile.
'But that's alright, because we're gonna make up for the time lost, because he'll be living here with me and uncle! You should definitely meet him!' she says with a look of anticipation on.

'I look forward to meeting him, isn't he home now? And what about his name? I keep on hearing about him but I never got his name' I say, waiting for her answer.
'Oh, he left a while ago on his evening walk. He has this "ritual" of doing walks before the sun sets. And about his name, it's Y/-' she doesn't get to finish saying his name, because my crystal starts beeping, alerting me that someone's in trouble.

'Ah! Sorry to cut this short, I've got to go, but we'll talk later, ok?' I say while sitting up and speed walking to the door.
'Yeah of course, no problem Sportacus! Take care!' She says while coming behind me and closing the door after I leave. 'No worries!' I practically yell while climbing the latter back to my airship.

/// Y/N POV \\\
After I've had a long catching up, a wonderful dinner with Steph and learning that she can cook (her cooking is divine), I head back to my room to change into some sport shorts and a t-shirt along with some sneakers. I tie my hair up into a tight ponytail and head out for my routine evening walk after informing Steph about it.
She tells me to be careful and that I should take my phone with me incase I get lost, like always, but I decline. I will be alright, what's the worst that can happen?
I can get lost. That can happen. And that's what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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