No More Questions

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I quickly made my way to the bus stop. Thank goodness I didn't miss the bus because otherwise I would've walked 30 minutes to school and my legs cannot take that.

I'm usually always on time, but I overslept today because my mother decided to stir up trouble in the middle of the night.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, the bus came over to my stop. The doors opened and I made my way in the back. There weren't many people on the bus yet because this was the second stop.

I put my headphones on and turned on some music. The bus made 5 more stops then made its way to my school.

I got off and walked to the school doors, but before I could open the the door, someone behind me took my hand off the door and opened it for me. I was surprised at the sudden gesture. I was going to turn around to thank them, but they placed their hand on my shoulder and kept me in place, stopping in front of me.

"Please don't tell me you take that crappy bus." Zayn says with a hint of eagerness in his voice.

"I take that crappy bus." I answered.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "Don't you have anyone to take you? Don't you have your own car or something?"

I was hesitant to answer his question. I didn't want him to think I couldn't afford a car and I certainly did not want him to tell the whole school.

"My car broke down so I took the bus, and everyone was sleeping so..I had to." I stated.

For a second I thought it was obvious I was lying, but he seemed to have believed it because he just shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

I spotted Andrew in a distance. I went over and playfully punched his shoulder.

"Where were you yesterday?" I asked.

He turned to face me and gave me a slight smile, "I didn't feel good so I stayed home. Did I miss anything?"

"No, not that I can think of." I said.

"Oh alright. I'm going to head to class." He spoke while closing his locker.

"Wait, is there something wrong? You seem in a bad mood." I questioned.

"No. I'm fine it's just Mark giving me a hard time." He answered.

Mark is Andrews younger brother. He's thirteen, four years older than Aliyah, yet they have an unbreakable bond like Andrew and I.

"Do you want me to come over after school?" I asked.

"You sure your boyfriend would like that? I think it's better if you don't." Andrew says raising his eyebrow.

"What, no! Of course he'll be fine with it, your like my brother and he knows that." I reassured him.

"Great, I'd love to have you over then."

Before I could speak, he left to class. I didn't think anything of it because I knew he wasn't feeling well. The bell rung and I headed to class, hoping Tristan wouldn't bother me.


The teacher excused us to second period. I had Math with Michaela and Andrew which made the worst period into the best.

"You still haven't answered my question." A masculine voice said behind me.

I mouthed a 'oh my god' and kept walking, ignoring the presence behind me.

They caught up to me and harshly took my hand, keeping me in place.

"Let go of me!" I urged, struggling to yank my hand away.

He reluctantly released my hand and stood in front of me, glaring into my eyes.

"Look, I already told you what you wanted to know yesterday, okay? Just leave me alone." I say with my arms crossed.

"You know what? Whatever, you aren't worth my time." He spoke pointing his finger at me.

"You know, that's not a very nice way to talk to your best friends girlfriend." I say sarcastically making him more furious.

"I couldn't care less if-" he started but then got interrupted.

"I see my girlfriend and best friend are getting along." Zayn said from afar.

My gaze left Tristan and went on Zayn coming towards us. As he reached us, he wrapped his arm along my waist and suddenly kissed my cheek. I knew he was hesitant at first because I felt his body tense, but I couldn't blame him.

"Sure we are, we just had a lovely conversation before you came." I uttered.

My sight switched back to Tristan. His jaw clenched still glaring at me. His eyes traveled to Zayn, then back to me.

He cleared his throat and stood up straight, his mood instantly changing.

"Zayn, want to come over tonight? I'll invite Shawn too." Tristan asks.

"Course I will, if that's fine with you."

Zayn turned his head to me, waiting for a answer from me.

"Oh- yeah. Go, don't worry about it." I say giving him a light smile.

He asked me if he should go to his friends house, and I didn't. I thought about asking him if I can go to Andrew's house, but what if he says no? I already told Andrew I'm going and I don't want to tell him I can't anymore because of Zayn. I decided not to mention it.

There was a long period of silence and I felt very uncomfortable in this position, I had to come up with an excuse fast.

"I actually have to go help Michaela with stuff so I'm going to go now." I said excusing myself.

I pushed Zayn's arm off me and left that awkward scene. The problem was I had my next class with Andrew and Michaela, which meant more questions.

The bell rang and students came rushing out of the classroom doors. The hallways filled with talking and pushing. My anxiety started kicking in and I pushed my way through to my next class.

I looked to my right and my heart started beating faster. I gulped the knot in my throat and took a deep breath.

I started the conversation, "Hi! I didn't know you had math with me, I never saw you in my class-"

"Chill out Liz, I don't have this class with you. I just wanted to know you better." Kaylee spoke.

"Oh okay. Well..uh. My favorite color is purple." I noted.

She chuckled, "Well I don't need to know that. I wanted to know about you and Zayn actually. How are you two doing?"

I choked at her question, "Oh uh..we're doing really good! We're in a super healthy relationship right now."

"That's good to hear, I'm happy he's treating you better than he treated me. Just be careful, don't get attached to him, he'll take advantage of it and break your heart. Just a heads up of course!" She reminds me.

I smiled at her knowing what she said was all true, but I didn't care because this was all fake anyway. The bell rang for second period and everyone started going in class.

"Thanks for the heads up Kaylee, see you soon." I politely said, facing my back towards her then heading inside class.

I took my usual seat next to Michaela, Andrew in front of us. He turned back facing us.

"So Liz and I are heading to my place after school, you wanna join?" Andrew asked Michaela.

"Ugh I can't. We're having guests over so my mom said I have to help her around the house." She rolled her eyes.

I chimed in, "It's fine, we should all go to the arcade someday, like olden times."

Andrew's gaze left Michaela and went on me, he smiled at me and turned back around.

"Yes! That would be great, you can invite Zayn too!" Michaela suggested.

"Um I don't think he's into that stuff." I quickly replied.

She nodded and faced the teacher. I looked out of the window next to me, waiting for the class to end.

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