The Hat man X Reader

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~9 years later~

"Alright mom I'm heading out!" "Mm" your mom drunkily replied back, her hair a birds nest and her top covered in spilt alcohol and vomit. After the whole hat man incident your mom turned back to her Regular old self, drinking and ignoring you. But, she didn't yell at you as often. And she wasn't with that dick head anymore so again significantly better. She seemed to be more delicate with you after the whole situation, she sheltered you and didn't let you out of the house for long periods of time. But you just graduated and your 19th birthday was shortly coming up so you had to get out there and find a job so you could finally start your life. Locking the door you headed out to work taking the scenic route, you lived very near the city so there was always something to see. One of your favorite authors were doing a book signing at your work in 4 hours so you were very excited to have a shift assigned to you today. You even left earlier than needed so you could help prep for the signing. entering the bus and paying the driver you go all the way to the back and taking a seat. putting on your head phones and turning on some music, you look out the window and smile at all of the big buildings and events that were going on. You knew it was loud and busy but it still brought you a sense of peace. Until your phone started vibrating taking you out of thought. Rummaging quickly through your pockets with the assumption someone was calling you, you look down only to see that it was an alarm "?" "take your medicine!!!"... "oh shit". You urgently pop your head up scanning the bus for him, the man that made your child hood a living nightmare. A drop of sweat fell from the bridge of your nose as your eyes landed on a black wide rimmed hat sitting 2 rows in front of you. You stared daggers into the back of his head for the rest of your ride, not daring to blink even once. If looks could kill that mad would be on the floor in a puddle of his own blood. "Are you alright dear?" asked an old lady sitting next to you noticing your nervous and sweaty state. You didn't answer, you just shook your head as you continued to look straight ahead of you. After 10 agonizing minutes you made it to your stop. Stiffly getting up, you forced your body to the front of the bus rotating your head back to see if he was really there. "Hugh he has a face. And a not so pretty one at that". Your heart beat grew quieter and quieter as you began walking to the store, it wasn't that far but it was still quiet a walk. You tried taking deep breath's to calm your nerves, it worked a little but you still couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you. You worked at a local book store about 20 minutes from your house. It wasn't a chain like Barnes and nobles but it was still pretty popular . "Yo mark" you greeted your coworker as you walked to the back to put your stuff in your locker. Returning, you already see a line of people waiting out front for the signing. "Miss Winona! Hi" ecstatic to see her, you skipped to the book writer who was already sitting at her booth. Winona flowers is a very well known writer, popular to youth and fans of fantasy/ horror. She knew a lot about urban legends and creepy pasta but she also specialized in energy reading and tarot. "Hi!" She shook your hand.
"Thank you for having me-"
"What's wrong Ms.Flowers?"
"If you don't mind miss..."
"Y/N, please can I read your energy"
"I'd be honored" you replied, pulling up a chair, sitting across from her, and placing your hands in hers
" dear"
"What's wrong?" you asked, slightly tilting your head.
"You have something on you. Or more like someone on you. For right now I can't tell their intentions, but it looks like they're here to look over you? I think you or someone else manifested him in your time of need but he's causing you more distress than good."
"Can I describe to you how he looks?"
"Uh y-yeah" you answered, slightly freaked out about how much she knew about you
"He's tall, well over 6 ft, his form is almost like a dream, he doesn't have facial features and his skin appears to be pitch black. He wears a long trench coat and a wide brimmed black hat. Does that sound Like him?"
"I- yeah? How did you know all that, I'm schizophrenic but I'm medicated. Ever since I've been taking my medicine, he's been gone"
"No he isn't, he's here, always been, he's just waiting for his time to come back. Your medicine prevented you from fully processing him, but he is very much real. It's not uncommon for beings like this to exist, some people say they've been touched by the shadows while others weren't so lucky."
"Mhmm, some people will just simply disappear, no trace of them to be seen ever again."
You jump up in shock, snatching your hands out of hers. "Um I'm sorry. It's almost opening time and I feel I shouldn't leave mark to open on his own". She shook her head in silence as she watched you walk away. "I've gotta take my meds". "Fuck we're gonna be busy today huh?" You looked outside to the dozens of people standing at your store. "mhmm! Plus boss isn't here cause she had to go to her kids dance recital thing " "Nice! we can put off unloading the trucks" "you ready?" asked mark "mhmm!" "Alright, let the wolves in!". All at once countless people filed in, raiding the bookshelves and crowding Ms.Flowers booth. Customer after customer flooded the check out area, it's been a while since the store has been this busy. But you were ready. You and mark had been at it all day it was around 8:30, you usually got off at around 8 on the dot but there were still a few stranglers in the store. You desperately needed to take your meds but you didn't wanna be a dick and leave Mark to manage on his own. "Hello ma'am is this all for you today?" You asked the nice woman checking out latest book to get signed. "Mhmm, also I would like to get a library card here please, the vibe here is so peaceful and lowkey!"
"Of course ma'am. The monthly fee is gonna be 7.99 However thats just for renting books. If you wanna buy...any. No, no this can't be happening"
"Are you alright dear?" Asked the lady getting her book checked out. "Uh yeah i um...he's here"
"Excuse me, what hon?"
"he's here".
"I don't know how but he's here".
"Honey, no one but me and you are at this register"?
"doesn't he know people can see him"?
"He's doing it on fucking purpose".
Admist all of the people in the store there he was. Sitting in the corner menacingly, legs crossed, his head propped up on his arms, licking his lips and smiling at you. And he knew you could see him. Your heart rate picked up as your breath got caught in your throat. You could no longer hear anything but your beating chest. The beats were so loud you thought your ear drums were gonna pop. You didn't know what to do. He was GOING to get you. He was GOING to hurt- "hey Y/N why don't you take a break?" Butted in Mark. Quickly pushing you off to the break room.
"hey are you ok? Is your sickness acting up? I can call your mom to help"
"No!, no I'm sorry mark I'm fine I just. Didn't take my risperidon today"
"so it is acting up"
"it's not as bad as your making it I swear"
"Go home, I got this. Plus there are only a few people here anyways"
"are you sure?"
"Yeah,oh, and Y/N?"
"Did you know who that guy was in the chair?"
"Nothing, just take it easy"
You quickly left the store practically sprinting to the bus stop, you couldn't of made it home fast enough. On the bus home you couldn't help but think about the advice Winona told you earlier. He was back, you should've took your meds. He found a window. You fumbled around in your jacket to find your keys practically breaking the door down when you found them. "Mom!! Mom please I need my meds where are you!". After about a minute of looking around for her you noticed she wasn't there so you called her. "Hello?"
"Yes mom, please where are my meds?"
"Who is this?"
Fuck she's drunk.
"Who is this? Mom wtf it's your kid, Y/N"
"Oh hi honeyyyyy how was work"
"MOM! Please my FUCKIN MEDS you were supposed to get them refilled while I was at work. I'm down to nothing and I didn't take them today" you started tearing up.
"jeez sour puss alrightyyyy, I think I still have them on me come get them"
" your not home, how on gods green earth am I supposed to get them!!"
"Ohhhh eheheh sorry I'll be home in a little, I'm at my boyfriends house"
You hear the voice of a man asking who was on the phone from the other side.
"Oh just my kid. She's crazzzyyy-"
You hung up the phone launching it onto the couch. You knew your mom was irresponsible but this took the whole fucking cake. You go to the kitchen grabbing a water bottle out of the refrigerator "ok this is fine, I dealt with this mother fucker all the time when I was half my age. He ain't shit. I'll just sit in my room, find a corner and dare this bastard to come anywhere near me". You grab a kitchen knife off of your counter and make your way to your room, occasionally checking behind you. Entering inside you try to pick up your phone to turn on the flashlight but it was slapped out of your hand, breaking on contact the second it hit the floor. You hastily turn around making a break for your door but it was slammed shut right in your face. You were swallowed in darkness, the only source of light being your blinds which casted the most beautiful moonlight throughout your room. "I'm NOT afraid of you, you creepy fuck!". You shout still facing the door and backing up. "Oh? Then why am I here love" you turn around swinging your knife at where the voice had come from only for your arm to be caught by him. Twisting your wrist and forcing you to drop the knife, he laughs at your helplessness. You look up to be met by the hat man, that haunted your childhood dreams. "Missed me beautiful?" Asked the freakishly tall man easily towering over you. "Why would I miss such a FREAK" you hissed trying to pry your arm away. "Aww don't be like that~ yknow, I actually missed you. You've been a naughty girl mhmhmh". Without warning the oversized shadow bent down crashing his lips into yours, sticking his tongue down your throat. Your blood ran cold as your body went limp, melting into the kiss in fear and confusion . You moan into him as his slippery muscle invades your mouth, his hands finding their way to your sensitive tits. "F-fuck" breaking the kiss he pinched your nipples earning a soft curse from you. Licking his lips in satisfaction he bent down for another kiss before you pushed him away. "W-wait this isn't right. Why can I feel you? Your supposed to be a hallucination, a figment of my imagination!"
"Said who? Im honestly hurt Y/N you think of me as some kind of thing?! You took those pills and locked me away, not caring how I felt. And for a little bit I was actually locked down. Never to be seen again. Until about 11 months ago on your 18th birthday. I'm not sure what did it but I woke up. I gained consciousness after so long, I didn't have a form however. I was stuck seeing life through your lenses, I seen everything you seen, and I mean everything. All your loses, all your victories. And all those times you muffled your moans so no one could hear how much of a slut you are. Fingering that needy cunt, desperate to finish all over those greedy fingers. IT WAS TORTURE! I wanted you so bad, it drove me nuts! That's why you've been a bad girl Y/N. And I'm gonna make sure you get punished. Thoroughly." With that he picked you up bringing you into another sloppy kiss wrapping your legs around his torso, grinding his obviously hard cock against your still clothed pussy. "Oh this just wont do" . Slamming you onto your bed he ripped your jeans off leaving you in your work shirt and your panties. "Oh isn't that a sight to behold". He got down on his knees parting your legs and bringing you closer to his face. He stuck his 9 inch tongue out, teasing you with his length, making you close your thighs in retaliation . "Nervous are we? This has nothing on my cock, so you should be grateful I'm loosening you up for what's cuming" he chuckled at his own pun as he started sucking on your thighs. Leaving hickeys and bites all over your once clear skin. Abusing a sweet spot he found very high between your legs he pulled your shirt up exposing your now rock hard nipples. Pinching and teasing them he moved farther up your legs now at your sopping cunt. Working your clit through your panties he slapped your left tit, earning a yelp from your trembling lips. "W-wait UnHhh~" you moan out in pure bliss as the hatted man toyed with you throbbing button. "Wait? I think I waited long enough love". Releasing your tit he used his now free hand to pull your panties to the side revealing the place that needed the most attention, your sweet sweet cunt. Teasing your hole he lapped circles around your folds stringing you along but never actually going through with it. "NGhHh~ st-stop fuck-k-ing a-around" "I don't know what you mean?" He replied back with fake confusion in his overly excited voice your slick covering his mouth and nose. "Yknow if you want something you should ask, or, better yet. Beg~"
"Please" you replied sitting up and looking into his eyes. "Please what? I'm still afraid I don't know what you speak of" "pl-please fuck me w-with your freakishly l-long tongue!". Plunging all of it inside of you, you let a inhuman shriek rip out of your body filled with pleasure and pangs of hurt. "F-fuck your too BIG" you squealed out holding onto your sheets like you were on a roller coaster with no sea belts. Flattening the rest of his tongue that couldn't fit, the dark man used it to rub against your clit stimulating you way more then he probably should. It felt so addicting, you could probably live off of this feeling. Pulling about halfway out he began targeting your G spot with the tip of his tongue. "I'm not gonna stop till you can't walk anymore, then you'll finally need me". Coaxing your orgasm, he dug his fingers into the curve of your hips grinding your hips down onto his tongue, too impatient to see your face as you came undone all over lengthy muscle. You couldn't take much more of his stimulation. You cried out as the knot in your stomach wound tighter and tighter begging to snap and fill your body with bliss. "Your close! I can feel it. Cmon baby, cum on the hat man's tongue~. Fuck your self however you want. I wanna see those pretty eyeballs roll to the back of that beautiful skull!" "F-fuck fuCk NgnHhh~". After countless minutes of torture you sprayed all over his face, which he happily lapped up like a dog drinking out of a water bowl after being outside all day. Letting go of his head you sprawl out on your bed exhausted, still panting from the intense orgasm. The bed suddenly became heavier as you watched the tall man crawl up to you each of his hands on either side of your head. "Now it's my turn~" sticking his tongue out to embrace you in another kiss your room door swung open, your mom wasting no time running to you. "Oh baby I'm so sorry! I was drunk and didn't know what I was saying, I sobered up and notice how serious the situation was. Your so sweaty, I bet you were so scared. Here here's your medicine". She shook a pill out of the now refilled bottle and handed it to you, handing you an ice cold bottle of water to wash it down. You hurriedly took the pill, gulping the entire bottle of water down with it.
"Mom I'm ok I promise, it wasn't that scary". You replied letting your mother pull your blankets over you, tucking you in.
"I know your older now but just thinking about how scared you were of him when you were younger...I know your way exhausted but if you need anything I'm right down stairs, Alright?, I'm so so sorry"
"it's ok mom,love you"
"I love you too kid". Shutting your door your mom returned to the living room leaving you all alone. You stared up at your ceiling thinking about what just happened. "That was definitely real". You whispered to your self, still wet from earlier "activity's". You turned over on your side replaying all the things he said to you "he's gone now, no more out of the blue bullshit like that anytime soon. He's due for another nap". Wondering where he went when your mother walked in, you eventually slipped into a peaceful sleep.

I thought it was hot,so it's now a smut Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora