Chapter Six || Operation Amnesia and Middle Names ||

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  • Dedicated to Slytherininashroud

Chapter Six

|| Operation Amnesia and Middle Names ||


We are all sitting in my living room and believe me it is getting cramped.  There are ten of us here, including me – Kiara, Keith, Carollyn, Anushka, Samir and my friends – Ben, Elita, Chris and, about fifteen minutes after the introductions by Kiara, Arjun had walked in. For some weird reason, I didn’t like the way Kiara looked at him – in awe, as though wondering how hot this guy could be.

Pfft, girls.

I shrugged it off though, none of my business.

And then, it started. Thank god, the silence was just starting to get uncomfortable.

“Right, so I assume everyone knows that James has got amnesia. He can’t remember anything” Elita started.

“You can’t really remember anything?” Arjun asks me.

I turn to look at him; he is sitting next to Chris on the second couch. I nod.

“Well, yeah. I guess so. Wait, aren’t you a science student, you should know this stuff.” I tell him, remembering what he said when he introduced himself earlier.

“Yeah well, I was just confirming.” Arjun says, and then grins.

I do not understand him. I mentally shrug again. I’ll figure it out later.  

“Well, moving on.” Kiara starts, “firstly we need someone to make a journal, so that we can record whatever James remembers, but it will not be with him. It shall be kept with one of you, just in case his amnesia relapses and he forgets where he’s kept the journal. As far as I’m concerned, I’m not going through a teenage guy’s room. The thought alone makes me nauseous.”

“Right, I’ll take charge of making the journal and filling it up as we progress, along with Ben, okay?” Elita asks, while nudging Ben who was next to her. He groans and replies, “Yeah fine, we’ll do that.” And then he goes back to doing what he apparently does best – nothing.

“Good, that part’s settled then”. Kiara continues.

“Although, I do wish I could have made a list of all the girls whom James has something to do with. It would have been much easier.” Ben mutters, interrupting whatever Kiara was going to say. At this, Kiara looks at me and raises her eyebrows. I shrug, not knowing what Ben was talking about.

I should really stop shrugging; I probably look like I have a shoulder problem as well.

“Right, part two of Operation Amnesia or OA is Old Photos.” Carollyn contributes to the conversation. It’s the first time I’ve heard her speak. She’s got a strong voice, she must do good on the field. Then I catch what she said.

“Operation Amnesia? What on earth is that?” I ask, addressing no one in particular.

“Well, see it’s something like this. We decided that in order to speed up the process of retrieving your memory it’s better to divide the plan into five parts. And so OA was born.” Anushka volunteers to explain.

Elita sees that I still hadn’t grasped the plan fully. She speaks, “see, part one is the ‘journal’. Everyday details of your life will be written down in that –like what you like to eat, drink, and watch on TV and so such.”

“Part two is ‘Old Photos’ – we’ll be showing your old photos to you and asking you to think about the memories associated with them and then we will try and test your memory on it. Your mom is going to help us with this.” Ben adds.

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