Merpups Cross & Epic

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Cross and Epic have finally managed to escaped from the lab though that doesn't mean Dr. Gaster and Dr. Homeric (Which stands for somthing epic and large-scale, it's what I'm calling epic Gaster) aren't still trying to find them, and trying to survive in the open ocean isn't easy when thier alone though as long as they stay together thier be fine. At least that's what they thought between the predators and fishing boats thier not doing too well they didn't really have the knowledge how to hunt properly not when they were normally given dead or frozen fish they were pups after all though when Cross gets injured and runs into a Goldfish mer thier luck just might change if only Cross and Epic would accept help. Nightmare's Shiver is just worried about why Dream keeps leaving the trench more often than normal there also worried for the Injured and starving pups Dreams been going and sneaking around for.

There would be background bad sanses poly +Dream though there most likely wouldn't be any smut I've never written that before, Cross & Epic also wouldn't be part of the poly they would be lost little traumatized pups in this story, Sorry this is pearly self-indulgent

Laviathantale belongs to
@ skumhuu on twitter.

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