Chapter Thirty-Three: Private Meeting

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Larken's POV:

I pace around the council chambers, full of anticipation for my Asara.

It's lunch time and she still has not come by.

What if she doesn't come? Then I'll be hungry for more than just food.

Oh, goodness. Perhaps I shouldn't have teased her this morning. It was so much fun to play with her, but what if she left me hanging now, knowing how much excitement my anticipation for her would be.

It's been several days since her bleeding started and she none too subtly let me know she was no longer bleeding today, obviously wanting me.

I'm sure a small part of her worries I do not want her when in fact, I've been dying for her bleeding to end so we can be intimate again.

Her bleeding after all did not bug me, but unfortunately brought her stomach pains to the point she did not feel in the mood for any intimacy.

Had I been a smart man, I would not have teased her, telling her she'd have to come to the council chambers with lunch if she wished to petition me for an act we've both been craving.

A knock sounds on the council chamber doors and I jump, whirling around as Killian enters.

"Where is—"

Asara comes in behind him with a tray of food, looking mighty smug for having been begging for me this morning.

"Anxious much? Me and Issac won't take her and Kitsuk down to the beach until we are done fishing," Killian teases, not catching on to my plans for Asara.

"Oh good. Good," I play along, unable to take my gaze from Asara as she walks over to the large council table, setting down the tray of food she brought and helping herself to the papers I had been looking over.

Killian's brow raises, obviously surprised, having never witnessed me and Asara's Thursday lunch meetings from when she was my intended.

"I'll bring her back to the house after we... finish lunch," I decide and Killian's brows furrow. He looks between the two of us, finally putting things together as Asara looks up in question at my reply.

"Oh lunch. Well, rumor is you finish lunch quick, so I should be expecting Asara back soon?" Killian questions, drawing heat to my face.

"Killian!" Asara gasps.

"What did Asara say?" I question in horror. Who did she tell that?

"May I remind you that although you are upstairs, me and Issac can hear very much in the quietness of the morning when we are still trying to sleep?" Killian teases me.

Blasted! Of course they could hear us. I'm sure after he heard me teasing Asara the other morning, he put that comment in his back pocket for a rainy day.

"Go, go, go. I have things I'd like to do to my wife before I have to return her to you," I usher Killian out.

Closing the door behind him, I lock it, turning to examine Asara.

She continues to flip through the documents I was reading, her brows furrowing more and more.

"I shouldn't have let your mother teach you to read," I half tease, drawing a half laugh from her. We both know I only tease and that as tame as she is now, she was a stubborn and insistent little girl, nothing would have kept her from learning, especially if I had insisted she didn't.

"Perhaps not, my lord," she retorts with a sly shrug.

"I should spank you for that," I tell her softly, gently taking the documents from her as I come to her side.

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