Chapter 22

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"Christmas Eve, heh?"

With the end of the year fast approaching, and with my exams behind me, I found myself once again thinking about the future, a different kind of future, though. One of the perks of being a film major was that our midterm and final exams often had take-home tests instead of the usual offline ones. Since the exams were available one week before the exams themselves, we could do most of them before the exam even started.

I had finished all of them in my first week, thus I had the second week entirely empty. I decided to hang around in my apartment for a while before returning home for Christmas, since we had already paid for the lease anyway.

The same couldn't be said for Emily, who would soon face her own final exams. It would be no more than a week away. As the sun sets in the western sky, Emily finishes her studying for the day. She stood up and stretched her hands.

"My family would have a gathering in the morning, I think I would be free by five."

"So you want to spend the evening together?"

She looked shy as she nodded.

"Well, my family didn't have any plans for that day. We do have plans for the twentieth fifth."

"And we're going to Switzerland on the twentieth seven."

"Well, it's settled, then."

Emily then headed off somewhere. I assumed the kitchen, based on how she tried to reach something high. Maybe she wanted to cook dinner? I had an online delivery coupon, so I decided to order out that day. It was just a simple fried chicken, nothing much. Emily got what she wanted to take and lowered it to a table, putting some other ingredients beside it. She then ducked down and opened a door, taking something out from within.

"Where do you want to go?"

I decided to ask from now so I can plan ahead. It would be a special evening, after all, so I didn't want to waste it.

"I have no place in particular... Christmas shopping?"

Emily put her right index finger on her lips as she thought of possible destinations.

"Grand Jakarta, Selara City, Coconut Ivory?"

She started listing the names of some major shopping malls scattered throughout the city. I had expected that kind of answer, and was willing to take her there, but...

"You don't like the idea?"

Emily asked after seeing my mixed expression. I guess she noticed.

"Not that, was expecting something different, that's all."

"Explain different."

"You haven't been back in a while, and you're interested in shopping malls?"

"Well, in my defense, being raised in the city meant that you got used to the attractions in said city."

"You're right..."

I wasn't able to deny it. She then approached me and put her finger under my chin, lifting my face up.

"Or, are you interested in something more... romantic?"

She said with a teasing smile.

"What if I say yes?"

"Let's go ice skating, then."

How is that romantic?

I let out a wry smile and shrugged. Maybe thinking about it now wasn't a good idea after all. I decided to store the thought in my mind for now and focus on something else... although I ended up not thinking about anything but Emily again. It had been happening a lot more frequently lately, where my mind would just randomly wander off her way.

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