Chapter 2

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It was seven in the morning, the bright morning sunshine that traveled through the small thin line between my balcony's curtain painted a thin glow on top of my bed. My smartphone's alarm rang from my work desk, playing a tune I'm already familiar with, waking me up for yet another day. I stretched my limbs and let out a yawn.

Another peaceful morning.

I thought. I looked to the left of my bed, finding my Bluetooth speaker turned off. The small, blue-colored speaker sat there comfortably, without doing a thing. This was unusual, as under normal circumstances I would turn on some relaxing piano songs before I went to sleep. Last night must have been so tiring to the point I messed up and didn't turn them on.

They weren't essential for a good sleep, so it wasn't like my brain needed it or anything, although I do find it weird how it let out weird sounds despite being off. I picked it up and brought it to my ear, wanting to confirm it. As I sat on the edge of the bed, I realized that the sound, a peaceful snoring, didn't come from my speaker. I held it up on my left ear, but the voice came from behind me. I returned the speaker to the table and turned around.


I let out a scream, pushing myself off the bed, falling back first onto the white ceramic floor, almost hitting the wall. The entire room was painted white. The walls, ceilings, and even floor. Even my bed had all white sheets and pillows. The bedside tables and my work desk were made of wood and had a light brown color, while my gaming chair was mainly black with a dark blue accent running from top to down. Everything else remained the same, including the small kitchen set that shared colors with my desk, even the silver cookware on top of it didn't move.

I was definitely in my room, there was nothing wrong about it. I had only been living in this room for two weeks, but even that was enough time for me to understand the ins and outs of the small place I lived in. I stood up and approached the thing that made me jump in the first place.

A sleeping girl.

She faced the right of the bed, away from the balcony, sleeping soundly, undisturbed by my alarm nor me falling off. So many questions flew through my mind.

For one, just who is she?

I couldn't bring any names, nor did I remember her face. She had long, smooth light brown hair, a rounded chin, and a shallow rounded nose. I extended my hand and touched her left hand which was exposed from the pink pajama she wore.

It's... real.

I could feel her soft skin on the tip of my fingertip, precisely just like how I touched that Torii gate. But if she followed the same rules as that Torii gate, doing something would get her to disappear. I had so many questions, but since this was a human, I hoped that she could answer.

On a side note, there's no way this girl was that Torii gate, right? Right?

Japanese light novels were known for their hilariously long titles with weird plotlines. This girl right in front of me felt exactly like those kinds of things.

The Torii Gate I Crossed Turns Out To Be A Girl or something like that.

I still couldn't believe that all of this was real, however, so I tried pitching my cheeks.

And it hurts.

I could rule out this being a dream by doing that, I think, but it didn't explain anything. I headed toward my front door and tried to open it, just in case it wasn't locked, but to my surprise, it was shut. I inserted my key and tried opening it. My lock worked perfectly fine, and the door's front side was unscathed. I then checked the window. My apartment was located on the nineteenth floor, so climbing in from the outside didn't make sense, but nothing made sense at this point. The sliding glass door that parted the world outside of my apartment was also locked and untouched.

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