Chapter 7

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My class lasted until eleven, while Emily's morning class ended at ten. I tried my best to not get distracted when she spoke with her friends during lunch. Once I was finally done, it became her turn to go back to a different class. I excused myself and went to the parking lot, about to head back home. I didn't have any classes after this, and while usually I would go and have lunch with my friends, I told them that I needed to go do my tasks for today.

That was partly true because I do have some tasks waiting to be completed, but also partly because I didn't want to disturb Emily. Emily herself looked exhausted. Well, she did have physics class after this, or so she said. I didn't know what the class before was, but as someone who absolutely hated science, I could understand her pain.

I drove back home. Thick, dark clouds covered up the blue skies. Maybe heading home was the right choice. Once I arrived back at my apartment, I sent her a Fine message telling her that I would be taking a shower. She warned me of not being able to move, so this time I prepared my clothes beforehand and brought them into the toilet. Before undressing, I adjusted her position and warned her not to move, no matter what. She gave me a thumbs-up emoticon.

I showered as fast as I could, not wanting to risk anything. It was truly unfortunate, as I couldn't stay in the refreshing cold water for long. I managed to finish showering without any incident and went straight for my tasks. Looking at her study propelled my own will to get serious. I drank a bottle of water and then put my all into my projects.

Time for lunch came by, but since her classes lasted until one pm, I decided against eating. She never complained about my eating sounds before, so I assumed she couldn't hear them, but me eating may be distracting, so I waited until she finished class.

"You don't need to wait for me, though."

I read her message through Fine. She must have seen me eating bread this morning before class. For me, bread wasn't as fulfilling as rice, so I felt hungrier by the time I got the chance to eat lunch, but that shouldn't be visible on my face. I felt bad making her worry.

"I'm fine, really."

I replied. From my current position, Emily was sitting right beside me. It seemed that her friend had come to sit beside her, forcing her to slide closer to me. She glanced at me with a wry smile, so I pushed myself slightly further away, giving her some distance. Since I was eating at my work table, I could afford to move a bit, although I would rather not go too far.

"Black chocolate is my favorite."

She said rather abruptly.

"White chocolate is best."

I sent her a Fine message. She glanced down at her phone and gave me a disapproving look.

"I could understand milk chocolate, but white chocolate is too much."

Emily replied. She then looked up and right, away from me.

"No, I don't like sweet things."

"You can't be my friend, then."


"I won't then."

That's harsh!

I gave her a sad look, but she only glanced at me and didn't say anything further. I continued hearing her words as they, presumably, discussed something related to desserts or sweets. I had a hard time understanding anything, though, since the only thing I could hear was Emily's voice. It made the illusion of her being beside me more real, especially since there was no one else in my bedroom other than the two of us.

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