⑳And I Am

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Taehyung filled his lungs with a long inhalation as he stood beside his car and bloated his cheeks when he pushed the air out.

After the bewildering call he overheard yesterday, a pother of unease hunted him at all times with the scheme his brain conceived. And he couldn’t blot it out of his mind in the slightest throughout his shift.

So there he was right after he finished work at his parents’ house, steeling himself to sweep his father’s office for any clues about his connection to the underworld.

It was still early, and he knew Mi Sung wouldn’t be home yet. Usually he came home around eight, so he had about two hours to find anything, if there was something to be found.

With his apprehension a notch calmer now, he advanced to the door, that was already open for him. “Hello, mother.”

“Hi.” She enclosed him into her hug. “I didn’t expect your call, but I’m glad you visited me again so soon.”

Taehyung smiled his awkwardness away as he pulled back. “I wanted to see you.”

They made their way to the living room and settled down on the couch next to each other. “Do you want something to drink?” Hee Jin asked.

“No, I’m okay.”

“How’s work going?”


A shadow of doubt crossed Hee Jin’s elegant characteristics at his plain answer. “Just good?”

Taehyung glanced away from her probing view. “I’m just... I’m struggling a bit financially at the moment. But I’m sure I can overcome this.”

“Baby.” She took his hand into hers and cradled it. “You know I can help you—”

“No. I don’t want to take money from you. You helped me enough with the opening of the store.”

“But that’s what parents are here for. To help their children.”

Taehyung’s stance sank a little, just like his features. “I can’t take any more money from you. I... I already feel bad because you didn’t even want me to be an artist, but you still helped me in everything. And now... I’m struggling financially and I’m disappointing you and father.”

Hee Jin released a nasal sigh, hesitating. “I know I didn’t want you to follow this profession. But I remember how happy you were every time you talked about your dreams. That’s why I helped you, even if I was against it. At the end of the day, I just want you to be happy.”

Taehyung reveled in the pool of warmth that blossomed in his gut, intense enough to make his eyes glimmer and distort the gloom in his face with a soft smile. “Thank you, mom. I’ll try very hard to make you proud.”

“Don’t worry about that, son. I’m already proud because you’re the kindest boy ever.”

Taehyung giggled. “I’m a man now.”

Hee Jin shook her head, smiling playfully. “You’ll always be my little boy.”

Taehyung caressed the back of her hand as a response. “You didn’t call Na Min-ssi again, huh?”

“No, it was a slow day, so I’m not that tired.”

“Do you need help with anything since I’m here?”

“Hmm, I think I only have to do the laundry.”

“Okay. How about you make something for us to eat and I do the laundry?”

“Okay. Thank you,” Hee Jin said, and patted his nape before she vanished towards the kitchen.

Taehyung’s smile fell off his face with the sudden tide of anxiety that crashed over him. This was his only chance. He headed to his father’s office, glancing above his shoulder to ascertain that Hee Jin wouldn’t appear. Once in the hallway, he sped up his pace until he reached the double sliding door. He slithered it open at a creep and closed it behind him.

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