09. a midsummer night's dream

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Before we knew it, July came to an end, and Prince extended an invitation to me and my friends for a cookout at Andre's.

My dad dropped us off, and as we approached the backyard, the smoky, nostalgic aroma of a cookout filled the air. Andre's dad was already manning the grill, with all of the guys joking around and drinking pop.

It was hot as hell, and I was dressed in tight, high-waisted jean shorts and a cropped white halter top, trying to stay cool. The loose waves in my hair from the rollers I used the night before framed my face, wispy curls cascading down my back. 

As we walked towards the backyard, I could feel the eyes of Prince and his friends on us. Prince's eyes lit up when he saw me, and a warm smile graced his lips.

"Hey, J, you made it," he greeted me with genuine enthusiasm. 

"Hey, Prince," I returned his smile, full and reaching my eyes. "Thanks for inviting us."

He grinned, motioning toward the grill. "'Course," he said casually. "We're just getting started. Grab a drink and make yourself at home."

As the afternoon wore on, the party started to pick up. The guys were throwing around a football, and I sat on the grass to watch them play, smiling at their camaraderie. Cynthia and Kim had already found a spot in the shade, lounging and chatting with Terry and Dez. I settled into a lawn chair beside them, and the day passed with a warm feeling of contentment. 

When the sun set and the party wound down, we all pitched in to clean up the backyard, the guys putting away the grill while us girls gathered the discarded plates and cups.

Once the backyard was tidy again, Prince turned to me, his smile soft and inviting. "Hey, Jackie, want to take a walk?" he asked in a hushed tone.

Feeling a flutter of excitement, I agreed, and together we strolled along the quiet streets. The sound of our footsteps created a gentle rhythm in the evening silence. As we walked side by side,  Prince's hand brushed against mine, and I blushed, igniting a warm fire of emotion within me.

The warm evening breeze danced around us, and the distant chirping of crickets filled the air. Prince's eyes twinkled with something that I couldn't quite decipher, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness as we walked side by side.

"You looked amazing today, by the way," Prince said, breaking the silence with a compliment that made my cheeks flush. 

I blushed at his words. Being around Prince always felt so natural and easy, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for our friendship.

"Thanks, Prince," I replied, a soft smile forming on my lips.

As we walked together in comfortable silence, the evening air filled with a gentle breeze, I couldn't shake the feeling that something important was on his mind. It was like a quiet anticipation hung in the air, making me wonder what he wanted to talk about.

Finally, Prince took a deep breath, and his serious expression caught my attention. "I wanted to talk to you about something," he began, his voice steady but filled with emotion.

My heart skipped a beat, curiosity piqued. "What is it?" I asked softly, though hesitant.

Prince hesitated for a moment, taking a breath while he gathered his thoughts. "I know you said you just wanted to be friends, but I can't help the way I feel about you," he admitted, vulnerability in his voice. "I can't deny my feelings. I care about you more than just a friend, J."

His confession left me stunned, and I struggled to find the right words. It was like a whirlwind of emotions surged within me, and I needed a moment to process everything.

"I-I don't know what to say," I stammered, barely above a whisper as my mind raced.

Prince gazed at me with understanding, giving me space to process his feelings. "You don't have to say anything," he reassured softly. "I just wanted you to know how I feel."

We continued walking in silence, the weight of his feelings hanging between us. In that moment, I realized how much he meant to me, and I felt a mix of confusion and a newfound clarity.

Prince spoke up again. "I don't want this to change anything between us," he said firmly, his voice full of conviction. "I still want to be friends, no matter what."

I nodded, feeling both relieved and overwhelmed. Which one was it? Did he want to be 'just friends' or not?

"Thanks for telling me, Prince," I finally said, my voice filled with sincerity, though I was still reeling.

A soft smile touched his lips, and his eyes sparkled with warmth. "Of course, Jackie," he replied gently. "You mean a lot to me, and I just wanted you to know how I feel."

As we continued our stroll, the evening air filled with a gentle breeze, and the distant sounds of laughter and music from the cookout lingered in the background. The mood lightened, just as we spotted the ice cream truck turning the corner. 

Prince's eyes twinkled with mischief, and I couldn't help but laugh as Prince's playful side emerged. He turned around, yelling excitedly to our friends.

"Ice cream truck!" he announced with enthusiasm, and laughter filled the air as our friends spilled onto the curb, sprinting to catch up to us.

We all gathered around the ice cream truck, picking out our favorite flavors and enjoying the cool, creamy treat on the warm summer night. Sitting on the curb with our legs dangling over the edge, we shared stories and laughter, the camaraderie between us as sweet as the ice cream itself.

The conversation flowed easily between us, our voices mingling in the warm summer night. The easy banter and genuine connection with Prince and his friends always made me feel at home, like I belonged.

"You know, J, I'm really glad you and your friends came tonight," Prince said softly, a warm smile gracing his lips.

I mirrored his smile, genuinely happy. "Me too, Prince," I replied, my voice sincere. "I always have a good time with you guys."

Prince nodded in agreement, a nostalgic look in his eyes. "Yeah, it's always ace when we're all together," he murmured.

As the night progressed, the stars shimmered in the sky, adding a touch of enchantment to the moment. We leisurely cleaned up our empty ice cream cups and began making our way back towards Andre's house, cherishing the remaining moments of the evening. Everyone walked ahead, engrossed in their conversations and leaving Prince and me lingering behind.

"Let me see your English homework, Dez," Morris murmured. "Fuck that nigga Shakespeare."

"Hell nah, chump," Dez shot back with a laugh, swiftly evading the punch that followed.

The soft glow of the streetlights cast a dreamy aura over our surroundings, casting a spell of magic over the night. Prince's eyes met mine, shimmering with a hint of something unspoken.

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