01. houses of the holy

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In the midst of the Electric Fetus record store, where the lingering warmth of a 1975 summer danced upon my skin, I found myself submerged in a sea of vinyl, hungry for new music to quench my thirst for sonic discovery. My fingertips gently grazed the covers, an intimate dance between myself and the art, until my heart leaped as I stumbled upon the Led Zeppelin album I had been seeking.

"Physical Graffiti? Good choice," a smooth voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see a boy boasting a magnificent afro and a mischievous grin that I recognized from school– none other than Prince, a year older than me, known for his musical talent, and... cute. The thrill of recognition coursed through me, yet I tried to maintain an air of nonchalance.

"I know," I replied, trying to sound casual. "I've been meaning to pick up this record since it came out a few months ago."

He nodded approvingly, a look of recognition flickers in his eyes. "Hey, I know you. We go to the same school," he said with a grin. "Jacqueline, right?"

"Jackie," I corrected with a blush, excitement fluttering in my chest. "Yes, I've seen you around too..." We shared half a beat of awkward silence before I went on, "Are you looking for anything specific?"

"Nah," he murmured, his response easygoing. His gaze now sifted through the crates alongside mine. "Whatever speaks to me. Just picking up a few to celebrate," he added offhandedly. 

I nod in understanding, my eyes still fixed on the records. "Celebrate what?" I ask, my curiosity piqued. 

"It's my birthday today," he answered, a sly smile spreading across his face. 

"Really?" I asked, genuinely surprised. "Okay. Your records are on me, then," I smiled quietly, my eyes momentarily locking with his before returning to the array of records in front of us. 

Prince's curious eyes remained on me as I skimmed through the Blues Rock section. "Are you sure? That's really generous," he questioned, looking slightly taken aback.

"Yeah, of course," I said, feeling a rush of excitement at the thought of paying for his records. "Consider it a birthday present."

His wide grin, accompanied by crinkles at the corners of his eyes, spoke volumes of gratitude. "Thanks, man. That's really cool of you."

As we continued browsing the records, we fell into a comfortable conversation about music. Prince was clearly passionate about it, and he had a depth of knowledge that I found impressive. We talked about our favorite bands, debated the merits of different genres, and shared stories about our musical experiences.

Eventually, our arms were laden with vinyl treasures, and we agreed that it was time to check out. I handed the cashier a few bills, urging them to keep the change, while Prince just stood there, watching me with an amused smile.

"It was cool running into you," I said quietly, warmth infusing my words as we walked towards the door.

"Yeah, it really was. You have good taste," he replied, gesturing toward my stack of records.

Blushing yet again, I replied with a soft, "Thank you."

"No, thank you for these," he said, holding up his own collection.

I smiled quietly. "Later, Prince. Happy Birthday," I said again, pushing the door open and leaving him standing there in amusement. 

As I stepped outside, the warmth of the summer sun hit me once again. The busy street was alive with the sound of car horns and the chatter of people. 

Prince stepped out of the store seconds after me, his arms full of records. "Hey. A bunch of us are getting together later tonight to celebrate. It's a jam session. It should be a good time. You should come."

For a moment, I hesitated. Spending an evening with schoolmates I rarely spoke to wasn't an obvious choice, yet I wouldn't have minded if mine and Prince's music conversation went on for hours.

"Sure," I said, a spark of anticipation igniting within me. "That sounds cool."

"Awesome," he replied, his grin brightening. "I'll pick you up around 8?"

"Okay. Bye, Prince," I said, feeling a sense of anticipation building within me. 

As we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, I felt a sense of wonder at the strange twists and turns life could. A mere hour ago, I was alone in a record store, searching for something new to listen to. And now, I was on the cusp of an adventure, with no idea where it might lead. 


to be continued. 

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