08. not in love (just a silly phase i'm going through)

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(3rd person pov)

Prince, Terry, Andre and Dez piled into a booth at Pizza Hut, sharing and savoring the taste of a hot, cheesy pie while they talked racketously.

"So what's the deal with you and Jackie?" Terry asked with a cheeky grin, looking at Prince expectedly as he reached for another slice.

Prince glanced up from his own slice, amused by Terry's directness. "What do you mean?" he quirked an eyebrow.

"I mean, are you two going together?" Terry prodded, a a knowing smirk on his face.

Prince chuckled, a warm glow spreading through him. "Nah, man, we're just friends," he said, a comfortability settling into his words. "Why, you think she's into me?"

Terry shrugged, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "I don't know, man," he teased with a sly grin, leaning back into his seat. "She seemed pretty into you the other night."

"We're just friends," Prince repeated, though the small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "But she's cool, you know? Fun to hang with."

Andre chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, she's chill," he said, taking a sip of his pop. "And she's killer on the strings. Did you hear her jamming the other night?"

Prince's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Of course, she's amazing," he replied, genuine admiration and pride in his voice. "I'm glad she came through for us."

Dez joined the conversation, his tone warm. "She's a sweetheart, too." he remarked appreciatively. "She fits right in with us."

They finished their pie and made their way back to Prince's car, spirited banter filling the air.


They walked into Andre's house, laughter still echoing through the air as they made their way down to the basement and collapsed onto the cozy couch.

"I don't buy your story," Morris murmured plainly. "She looks too good, and I don't believe you aren't trying anything with her."

Prince rolled his eyes good-naturedly, shaking his head.  "Believe what you want, man. I'm telling you, we're just friends," he insisted, amusement coloring his voice. "She's not interested in me like that," he admitted softly, as if sharing a secret.

Morris grinned, raising a teasing brow. "You sure about that?" he prodded playfully, trying to stir up a reaction from Prince.

Prince chuckled, nodding. "Positive," he confirmed, sincerity evident in his eyes. He paused for a moment, reflecting on the past. "I asked her out on a date a few weeks ago during that listening session, and she turned me down," he admitted, shrugging nonchalantly.

His friends looked at him skeptically, finding it hard to believe.

"Seriously?" Andre asked, genuine surprise etched on his face.

Prince nodded, a small, meek smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, she turned me down," he said, gentle and understanding. He shrugged, his expression unreadable. "She said she wanted me to see her as just one of the guys."

Terry and Morris exchanged intrigued glances, not quite sure how to react to this revelation.

Morris leaned back, studying Prince skeptically. "And you believe her?" he questioned, doubt lacing his tone.

Prince nodded firmly. "I do," he stated with conviction. "I think she genuinely just wants to be friends, and I respect that." Vulnerability flickered in his eyes. "Besides, I'm perfectly happy just being her friend."

Andre just looked thoughtful, his brow slightly furrowed. "You know, it's funny," he said slowly. "She's never really talked about guys or dating or anything like that." 

Terry and Morris nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right," Terry murmured. "She's always been pretty low-key about that kind of stuff."

Morris leaned forward, a smirk still on his face. "Well, you know what they say," he said, his voice full of mischief. "There's nothing more appealing than something you can't have." 

Prince rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "That's not why I'm interested in her," retorted honestly. "She's a cook chick, and and she's cool to hang with. That's all." 

"I think it's cool that you guys are just friends," Andre nodded along, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "It's nice to have someone like that in your life, someone you can just hang out with and be yourself around." 

"Yeah, you're right," Terry said softly, eyes flickering with understanding. "You don't want to mess up what you have with her by pushing things too far."

Morris chuckled and raised his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright, I get it," he said with a laugh. "You guys are no fun."

In the midst of their lighthearted conversation, Dez chimed in unexpectedly. "I do think she likes you, though," he said softly. 

Prince looked at Dez, surprised and curious. "What makes you say that?" he inquired, intrigued by his friend's insight.

Dez shrugged, his expression thoughtful. "I don't know, man," he said slowly. "It's just a feeling I get when I see you two together. There's a certain energy there, you know?"

Prince mulled over Dez's words, feeling uncertain but contemplative.

Morris leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Well, there's only one way to find out," he suggested with a grin. "Ask her out again and see what happens."

Prince shook his head, hesitantly cautious. "I don't want to risk our friendship or make things awkward between us," he said softly. "I'm happy being her friend. Really."

They sat in silence for a few moments, the sound of music and laughter filling the air. Contentment settled over Prince as he sat there with his friends, knowing that they all had each other's backs.

As they hung out, music filling the air,  Prince pondered the possibilities discussed with his the guys.

But for now, he was content just being friends.



to be continued.

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