06. curly girly

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The next time Prince and I saw each other, I was standing on the porch with rollers in my hair, arms folded. He leaned against his car with that signature grin of his, exuding an air of ease and confidence that I found both infuriating and intriguing as his eyes sparkled with amusement.

"You know, you really have to stop showing up like this," I said, attempting to sound stern, but my lips betrayed me with a subtle smile.

Prince laughed, his eyes shining with mischief. "I don't have your number," he teased, playfully feigning innocence. I rolled my eyes, secretly amused by his antics and the cat-and-mouse dynamic between us. 

"You know what?" he continued, studying me with that penetrating gaze of his. "I think the rollers suit you. It's a pretty good look," he said, his lips curving into a mischievous smile.

I couldn't help but laugh, feeling my cheeks warm with embarrassment and a sense of camaraderie. Being with Prince always felt like a rollercoaster ride of emotions. He had a way of making me feel at ease, even when I was trying to maintain my composure.

"You're ridiculous," I said with a playful eye roll, secretly enjoying the teasing banter between us. The tension between us seemed to hover in the air like a delicate dance, and I was unable to suppress the playful smile that tugged at my lips.

Prince shrugged, that mischievous twinkle never leaving his eyes. With an air of confidence, he closed the distance between us, and my heart skipped a beat. "I came to see if you wanted to do another jam session with me and the guys later," he said, his voice brimming with excitement.

"Yes, definitely," I nodded eagerly, without hesitation. Beneath the teasing, the unspoken tension, and all of the emotions that kept us on the edge of possibility, we were two friends who loved music. "What time?"

His grin widened, and I felt an electric connection between us. "Is 7 pm okay?" he asked, his enthusiasm mirrored in his eyes.

"7 is perfect," I affirmed, feeling a deep sense of gratitude that he wanted me to be a part of his musical circle. My other friends were musically gifted too, playing the piano and the french horn, but there was something about jamming with Prince that ignited a different kind of passion within me.

"Cool. I'll swing by later," he said, his playful demeanor still intact. "And keep those," he added with a chuckle, glancing at my hair, where the rollers still sat comfortably.

I rolled my eyes in mock annoyance, secretly relishing the attention he bestowed upon me. "Sure, just for you," I teased, feeling my cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and delight.

As he got into his car and drove off, I stood on the porch, watching him go with a sense of happiness and contentment.

We had a kind of harmony that extended beyond the notes.


As the clock struck 7 pm, I found myself already dressed and ready, my heart pounding with excitement. My guitar was slung over my shoulder, a constant companion on this musical journey.

Finally, the familiar sound of his car pulling up outside reached my ears, and I practically bounded to the door. There he was, once again, leaning against his car with that trademark grin that could light up the night. Effortlessly cool, as always.

"Hey," he greeted, his eyes locking onto mine with a twinkle of mischief. "Ready to rock?"

A wide smile broke across my face as I nodded enthusiastically, the rush of adrenaline already coursing through my veins. The night was young, and the thrill of making music with Prince and his talented friends was an experience like no other.


As we made our way inside, I could hear the sound of music coming from the basement, and I felt a sense of excitement building within me. We stepped downstairs, greeted by the sight of the guys all gathered around their instruments, losing themselves in the sound of music filling the air. 

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