Chapter 14

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As soon as we arrived in front of the academy's gate, my brothers' walked out first, followed by Dion.

And when it's my turn, three hands are offered before me, which causes me to freeze and gives them a puzzled look.

"Uhh..." I stepped down in the carriage without accepting any hands, forcing out a smile.

"I can do it by myself."

I stood beside Dion, who looked at me with a blank yet amused smile.

Alistair gave me a pout as he retracted his hand back to his side. Zane only gave me a soft smile, not that I couldn't even notice his twitching eyebrows.

I was about to say something but only halted when the noises around us kept muttering about something. I looked around and saw the other students glancing in our direction, specifically toward Dion.

I glanced up at Dion, whose gaze was still on me.

Zane and Alistair seem to have also noticed the weird atmosphere around the school grounds. With a frown, they keep looking around.

"What's happening?" I asked curiously, my brows furrowed.

"Don't mind them. Let's go." Dion grabbed my hand and held it.

I looked at our hands and just nodded my head, keeping my silence. He dragged me in the dormitory's direction.

I glanced at my brothers, waving my hand at them as a goodbye. I turned my head back and didn't see how their facial expressions turned cold and emotionless.

While passing through the students loitering around, the whispers keep getting out of hand. I can specifically point out that the main figure in the rumors is Dion.

Dion remained silent, walking ahead as if he weren't the protagonist of everyone's negative rumor. I gave some of the students a cold stare, shutting them up.

"What is happening? What are they talking about?" I asked curiously.

"Don't mind them." Dion turned his head at me and smiled softly. He squeezes my hand gently, which calms me down.

"Still, I don't think it's positive. They seem to be talking ill about you." I sighed softly.

"Is this our room?"

We halted in front of our dorm room. I nodded my head and gave him the keys, which he accepted while humming softly. He opened the door without breaking apart our still-intertwined hands. Not that I mind. Really.

As soon as he closed the door after we got in, Dion pulled me into an embrace. He rested his head on my shoulder, his face buried in my neck.

"D-Dion," I said softly.

"Just for a bit, please."

The voice he used to say it made me freeze. Too cold, yet at the same time pleading. I sighed softly. I found my other hand on his back, rubbing it soothingly.

The day went on. We remained cooped up in our dorm room. Tomorrow is his first day of school, while it's my comeback after a one-week vacation.

I was sleeping on my bed, snuggling closer to him. Don't question why we're now together in my bed. It just happened.

I felt his arms wrapped around me tighten. His soft and hot breath was in my head. The sounds of his beating heart calm my mind as I keep hearing them. It was too comfortable. just being in his arms.

Morning Later. We are now preparing to go to class.

Our class schedules are the same, and so we're classmates.

Currently, we are walking in the corridor towards our classroom. Ignoring the ill whispers from the students we passed by, after knowing what the rumors were about last night, my mood is now on edge. My eyes were cold and emotionless, and so was Dion.

The rumors are about him being a commoner, not only that. It was also rumored that he was the son of a traitor. A baseless and nasty rumor meant to target Dion. If it's only him being a commoner, I would have left it out alone, but the fact that they called him a son of the traitor. I clenched my hands into fists, frowning deeply.

"Aki, don't do anything. Let me handle it," Dion whispered as he leaned into me. I can only nod and look at him worriedly.

He gave me a reassuring smile. I can only look away and sighed inaudibly. I opened the classroom door as soon as we arrived. We looked around the room and ignored the fact that everyone's attention was on us. I walked towards the two vacant seats I found while Dion followed me. I sat, and so did he.

I suddenly felt a shiver down my spine when I felt someone's gaze on me from the back. I didn't look back, because without looking at it, I knew whose gaze it was from.

Then, here comes his voice. a frail yet gives off a bad feeling for me.


I frowned deeply. I didn't turn my head or give him any attention. I kept my head on my palm while my elbow rested on the table.

"A..Aki..." he called out again, the sounds of his sobs becoming more audible.

"...I-I'm sorry from the last time... please don't be cold to me anymore." he continued.


"Stay away. From Him."

I suddenly heard Dion's cold voice. I turned my head and saw him grabbing Noah's wrist tightly.

It seems like Noah was about to touch me if Dion hadn't stopped him.

Staring at Dion's hand on Noah's wrist gave off a painful throb from my heart. I frowned.

I don't want to see it.

Dion, touching others... aside from me.

I hate it.

"Dion," I called out softly.

Dion glanced at me and retracted his hand from Noah's wrist. He gave Noah a threatening glare. I sighed softly, reaching out to grab his hand and holding it in mine.

"Leave him alone," I said with a soft smile.

Dion gave me a long stare before smiling and interweaving our hands together.

Behind us, Noah gritted his teeth.

He was glaring at Dion secretly.

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