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~~~~~~~~{ [ Chapter 8 ] }~~~~~~~~

Dion blushed intensely at being laughed at. He immediately covered his face using his hand and looked away. 

This is the first time he felt like this, he is a total bit naive in figuring this new emerging emotions that he starting to have but he can't seem to ignore it either.

He appears to have the urge to not let go of this pretty man he just met for some unknown reason. 


"Aki, look at this... I think it will suit you"

"This one too! They have the same colours as your eyes!"

"Aki, try this! I eat one earlier and it tastes to good"

"aki, where do you think will go next? "

"Let's try this one"

"That one too! "



Under the silent starry night and rowdy people roaming around.

Two young men can be seen sitting at one of the benches found on the sidelines of the buzzing streets.

No one paid attention to the two of them.

Everyone appears to be enjoying themselves to care for anything and anyone else.

Akira took a deep breath, wiping the sweats dripping on his forehead. He felt the exhaustion bursting over, he gently lean his head on top of the bench and close his eyes. 



Dion, on the other hand are not sweating much despite the fact that he was the most enthusiastic out of the two.

He glanced at Akira, giving the other an apologetic glance.

"....Uhh, I am sorry for dragging you into this"

He scratched his cheeks, lowering his head and voice sounded so sheepish.

"...You.. see, I... I'm sorry, I didn't noticed how tired you are... dragging you everywhere and there.... I am really sorry"

Akira slowly opened his eyes and tilted his head sideways to take a look on Dion.

He can't help but sigh inwardly seeing the man fidgeting beside him, unable to looked at him directly.

The sight made him smile unconsciously.

How naive....  and innocent....

Like a dejected puppy... getting scolded by it's owner. "...Haha", He giggled softly, but then halted quickly. He then cough for several times to cover up his laugh.

They've been walking around aimlessly for around 3 hours. It's natural for him to be tired and exhausted but it's not Dion's fault.

Really. This new guy...

How can world be this harsh and ruthless..

Letting him met this man who not only share the same features of the boy from his past but also coincidentally, have the same behaviors that made Akira speechless.

".....Pretty... Incredibly beautiful..."

Akira's eyes widen in surprised.


"....Uh! Sorry!....it looks like I said my thoughts out loud!"

Dion explanation didn't help to calm down Akira's rapid heartbeat. Unmatch eyes dilated in flustered manner, but Dion misunderstood it as a hateful gaze directed towards him.

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