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all the teens took off in the sprint towards the direction of the arcade. amelia and bella were holding hands while jeremiah tried to push his way in front of them. amelia pushed the boy back as her and bella ran into the arcade.

the first game they were playing was laser tag. amelia always thought she was pretty good at it, but she's nothing compared to the boys.

everyone put on the gear needed and grabbed guns of the wall.

"i hope there's no hard feelings when i beat you." jeremiah said from beside amelia, who scoffed in response. she didn't want to say any witty comeback because she knew he would rub it in her face if her team lost.

bella and her clapped their hands together and then chest bumped. "let's go!" they screamed. the boys and the girls had something of a screaming match with the boys for a few seconds before everyone calmed down and listened to the rules belly came up with.

"all right, everyone. all right. the games are best of five rounds. the first and last rounds everyone plays. the middle rounds, it's a one-on-one competition, so choose your best fighter." she advised the group.

"probably not gonna be me." skye muttered, looking down at their gun.

"i'm sure there's something you're good at." bella tried to encourage but it came off more as rude, which earned her a jab in the side from amelia.

"all right, you losers ready?" conrad called out.

"3,2,1, go!" amelia yelled, being the first to run into the arena.

everyone slowly crept around corners, trying not to get hit. amelia and bella were back to back as they slowly rounded the corner. amelia was the first to spot conrad and she quickly shot him, just as steven came behind her and shot both her and bella.

"okay, let's split up." bella told her friend in a hushed whisper. the brunette nodded, and parted ways with the blonde.

amelia quickly turned around, sensing someone behind her. she aimed her gun up, only to put it down realizing it was just skye. she let out a sigh of relief before making her way through the laser tag maze.

bella snuck up on jeremiah, shooting him in the back a few times for good measure. she smiled innocently before walking away from him. steven was aiming to shoot her just as taylor shot him, causing him to pretend to be hurt and fall sarcastically.

amelia spotted conrad hiding behind a wall, and took it as her time to shoot him. "seriously? again, mel?" he groaned as amelia giggled. just then, jeremiah came from behind her and shot her in the back.

"hello, gorgeous." he smiled brightly while amelia flicked him off.

after about another 5 minutes of people chasing each other, it was down to one point to win, and amelia was determined.

amelia spotted conrad with his back turned and took it as her chance, as she was quietly running towards him, she felt herself get lifted up from her waist. "no!" she screamed out in defeat.

"get her, get her, get her!" jeremiah chuckled, holding amelia tight in his arms.

conrad wasted no time in raising his gun and shooting the girl. "fuck you." she cursed. jeremiah chuckled, kissing her cheek and setting her down on her feet.

"we won!" he exclaimed, going to clap his brothers hands. "yeah!" conrad cheered.

"no hard feelings, right?" jeremiah turned back to amelia and winked.

"in your face!" conrad pointed as belly approached with defeat written all over her face.

the group of teens all exited the laser tag studio and the girl were not hiding their disappointment whatsoever.

haunted , jeremiah fisher ²Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora