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amelia smiled in content as jeremiah pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. their faces were mere inches apart as he whispered to her, "i love you so much, mel." with a smile of his own on his face.

the brunette girl twirled her fingers around the necklace he'd given her at the beginning of last summer and she hasn't taken off since. her eyes met his when she wrapped both arms around his shoulders. "i love you too." she then leaned in closing what little space was between the two as her lips met his in a soft kiss.

jeremiah's arms instinctively snaked around her waist, pulling her body closer.

"you two are the cutest." a voice behind the pair caused them to pull apart with a giggle.

susannah tilted her head and smiled in awe at the young couple. "you guys are perfect together." she added, resulting in both amelia and jeremiah's cheeks turning a tint of red.

amelia turned back to the boy in front of her. she still couldn't believe that the boy she had been pinning after since she was a kid was finally hers.

"mel." jeremiah spoke, trying to gain her attention. "mel." he said louder. still nothing.

"mel!" her best friend, bella, yelled. amelia blinked a few times, wiping drool from her mouth. bella giggled, "thats three times this week you've fallen asleep in class. is everything okay?" the blonde looked at amelia with genuine concern.

the brunette girl nodded, "yeah, yeah. i'm good. i've just been staying up late watching vampire diaries. all good though, thanks." she forced a smile.

bella raised an eyebrow at her friend, only half believing her. "oh okay. let me know if something's up though, okay?"

amelia nodded once again, "yup."

truth was, she couldn't stop fantasizing about cousins and last summer. she wasn't going this year like she usually does. she wasn't with jeremiah. and susannah was dead.

between the months of february to now, somehow everything in her life had gone to shit.

usually when things got rough amelia would just brush it off because she knew once she got to cousins it would all just wash away. but eventually her fantasy world came crashing down and the weight of the real world hit her like a ton of bricks.

and amelia had not a clue in the fucking world what she was going to do next.

that's why she much preferred dream life. nothing could go wrong there.

amelia slowly opened the white door that led to jeremiah's room. her head peeked from the side of the door in an attempt to try to scare the boy again, but he was already looking up at her.

"damn it, jere. how do you always know when i'm coming?" the girl laughed out, closing the door behind her.

jeremiah scooted over on the bed, leaving room for amelia to sit. "my amelia mendoza tracker system. works like a charm." he chuckled.

the brunette rolled her eyes and sat beside the boy, immediately cuddling into his side. "ha ha." she replied sarcastically.

jeremiah sat up a bit, "wait, do you not have a jeremiah fisher tracker on at all times? mel, i don't think this relationship is going to work if we don't have rules." he put a hand to his chest in mock offense before laughing.

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