"Ms. Fleming um" Lydia said when Ms. Fleming interrupted. "I already told you Lydia I don't give extra credit for alternate equations based on your own theoretical findings" Ms. Fleming said.

"Well okay then" Lydia said. "Malia claws" Hazel said whispering.

"Claws Malia" Lydia said whispering causing Malia to look and put them back.


Hazel went with Scott to see Deaton at the animal clinic after school hoping he could help them.

"I keep having this feeling like there's pieces missing holes in my memory like this I took that from a windshield at the sheriff's department impound lot, but I can't remember why I was there" Scott said.

"I been having the same feeling I keep feeling like I'm missing someone, someone important to me" Hazel said.

"The subconscious can be conduit for our memories, dreams and waking dreams can be powerful tools to help us remember" Deaton said.

"Okay but who could have gotten me to care about them so much that it's causing me to have holes in my memory" Hazel asked.

"Most of the time I want to rip someone to shreds before tearing their throat out" Hazel said.

"Could it all be connected the ghost riders, the wild hunt, the holes" Scott asked.

"The wild hunt are drawn to war and mayhem I've never heard of it doing anything to anyone's memory it's almost like you have a form of phantom limb syndrome it's common in war amputees can have the sensation of an itch they can't scratch or a pain that couldn't possibly be there the missing limb is so important the brain acts like the limb's off there" Deaton said. 

"Wait dad are you telling us our subconscious is trying to tell us what's missing" Hazel asked. "It may be" Deaton told her. "How do we figure out what it's saying" Scott asked.

"Well, the easiest way to do that would be to simply go to sleep" Deaton said.


Hazel went to sleep that night tossing and turning.

Only when she woke up, she saw she was on the lacrosse field.

Causing Hazel to stand up and look around. "How'd I get here" Hazel asked herself.


After finding her way home Hazel saw she had a message from Scott telling her where to meet him.

Hazel grabbed her phone and quickly left catching up with Lydia and Malia who were already there. "You guys too" Hazel asked and they nodded.

Scott saw them and made his way to them. "Hey, I went to bed at home, and I woke up out in the woods about a mile out" Scott said.

"Beats waking up on the lacrosse field" Hazel said and started walking with Malia, Hazel, and Lydia following him.

"I think there's a reason why this has happened I've been out here before it was the beginning of sophomore year the night before tryouts for first line I remember because it was all that I could think about" Scott said.

"What were you doing" Malia asked. "I was looking for a dead body" Scott said.

"That's morbid" Lydia said. "Wait I think that was around the time Derek and I came back, and our sister Laura died you was looking for my older sister body really" Hazel said.

"I didn't know it was your sister at the time" Scott told her. "So, then what was I doing out here all alone" Scott asked.

"I wish I could help you, but I didn't know you then" Lydia said.

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