19) The beast of Beacon Hills

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"Are you sure we did the right thing calling Hazel and sending her up there with Scott" Kira asked.

"I mean things have been weird with them since the whole Theo thing" Liam said. "Guys they'll be fine" Lydia said. "Are you sure" Malia asked.

"Positive" Lydia said. "There's no one in this world Hazel loves more than Scott McCall I've never seen Hazel look at anyone the way she does Scott he made her feel something that no one else had they've had their ups and downs but, in the end, they always found their way back to each other" Stiles said.

"And yes, they're broken up right now, but they'll find their way back to each other it's true love hard not to see the love they have for each other" Lydia said. "Meant to be" Kira said and smiled.


Scott suddenly woke up and saw Hazel. "Hey, hey you're okay" Hazel said. "Hazel" Scott said surprised.

"Yeah, it's me" Hazel said. "What are you doing here" Scott asked.

"Kira called said you were pretty hurt I had to make sure you were okay and don't give me that I can heal crap you and I both if you do you won't have a head" Hazel said.

"I thought you hated me" Scott said. "I don't hate you" Hazel told Scott.

"I may be upset with you right now, but I don't hate you it's quite impossible to hate you" Hazel said and Scott smiled.

"Come on everyone's downstairs" Hazel said and helped Scott up. "I'll leave you to get dressed I'll be in the hall" Hazel said and went in the hallway.

Once Scott was dressed, he met with Hazel in the hallway who led him to Stiles, Lydia, Liam, Malia, and Kira.

"My dad's got an APB out" Stiles said. "For a 5'8 16-year-old" Kira asked. "I recommended nine-foot-tall rampaging werewolf" Stiles said.

"It still might not be him" Liam said. "If we're lucky" Hazel said. "But Hayden's at the school looking" Liam said. "I can keep checking the woods" Malia said.

"I can go with maybe go in my wolf form be a lot faster" Hazel said. "My mom can check all the hospitals in the county we can find him" Scott said.

"What happens then" Liam asked. "We figure out a way to save him" Scott said. "And we don't stop until we do" Hazel said and Scott smiled at Hazel.

"Okay where else could we look" Lydia asked. "Let's ask Corey" Scott said and looked beside him and pulled Corey out who was invisible.

"Okay can I kill him now" Hazel asked. "He's really starting to work on my nerve instead of helping he's being a coward" Hazel said.

"Wait, wait it's not my fault they took him, they took him, and I couldn't do anything they took him" Corey said. "Who" Scott asked. "The dread doctors" Corey said. 

"Great you could've told us this a lot sooner instead of making me want to test out your through after ripping your head off" Hazel said annoyed.


"How stupid are we to be doing this" Liam asked. "You really want me to answer that" Hazel asked.

"We're not stupid we're desperate" Scott said. "How desperate" Liam asked. "Incredibly desperate" Scott said and opened the door revealing Theo and Tracey.

"Oh, yay my least favorite Chimera and Theo" Hazel said.


"I told you we'd end up on the same side" Theo said. "How about I punch you in the balls to remind you we're not" Liam said.

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