17) power surge

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After Scott called Hazel and Derek for help with Stiles after getting a call from him where Stiles had no idea where he was and that he wasn't alone. Scott along with Isaac found Derek and Hazel on the roof of the hospital.

They were all trying to find Stiles desperately as it was supposed to be the coldest night of the year.

"He's not here" Derek said. "Not anymore" Hazel said. "You mean the whole building" Scott asked. "Gone" Derek said.

"I'll go tell Stilinski" Isaac said. "And see if you can find Allison, she's not answering her phone" Scott said and Issac left while Scott went to Hazel and Derek. 

"Notice how strong the scent is up here ever hear of chemo signals" Derek asked. 

"Chemical signals that communicate emotion and just our sweat can give off anger, fear, or disgust" Hazel said.

"Take a deep breath and tell me what you feel" Derek said. "Stress" Scott said. "And anxiety" Hazel added. "What was he doing up here" Scott asked.

"I don't know but there was definitely some kind of struggle" Derek said. "With who" Scott asked. "Himself" Derek said.


After Scott left to go with Lydia to the Eichen house only to discover he wasn't there but at the coyote den where Agent McCall and Melissa found him to discover he was sleepwalking.

Derek, Hazel, and Aiden gotten out of the car. "So, you think he was just sleepwalking or is there something more to it" Aiden asked.

"In this town there's always something more" Derek said. "It wouldn't surprise me" Hazel said.

"What if I told you I know something more" Aiden said. Derek and Hazel looked at Aiden. "I kind of overheard" Aiden said. 

"You were eavesdropping on our conversation I should kill you" Hazel said. "Calm down baby sis let him speak" Derek said.

"I listened in on Stiles talking to Scott and Hazel how he thinks he was the one who wrote that message in the chemistry room the message telling Barrow to kill Kira" Aiden said.

"You think Stiles skinny defenseless Stiles is the nogitsune a powerful dark spirit" Derek asked.

"I'm not the only one thinking it I'm just the only one saying it" Aiden said. "This thing wants to possess someone, and it chooses Stiles why wouldn't it take someone bigger stronger" Derek asked.

"Someone with a little more" Derek said and stopped for a moment realizing. "Power" Derek said. "Der what is it" Hazel asked.


It was the next day and Derek along with Hazel went to the school to find Kira.

"They found her after Scott left ignoring her. "Don't mind my boyfriend he has a lot on his mind" Hazel said and Kira turned to face Hazel and Derek.

"But we can help you" Derek said. "Why would you want to help me" Kira asked.

"Because I want you to tell me everything that happened at the power station with William Barrow actually, I want you to show me along with my little sister here" Derek said. "Don't worry he won't bite" Hazel said.


"It was around here I think" Kira said walking in the power station where William Barrow had her. "But everything kind of looks the same now" Kira said.

Derek and Hazel had saw a familiar bat. "What is that, is that a baseball bat" Kira asked.

"It's Stiles's bat" Derek said grabbing it struggling at first. "It's magnetized" Derek said. Derek then put the bat down sliding it little by little before it got stuck again.

"Kira I'm going to need you to tell us everything you know about foxfire" Derek said.


Derek and Hazel arrived at the hospital where Stiles, Scott, Melissa, and Noah were.

Derek parked the car, and everyone had got out of the car. Derek and Hazel were about to head in but they both stopped and looked at Kira seeing she wasn't following them.

"I don't know if I should go in" Kira said. Derek and Hazel walked closer to her.

"You're going to tell Scott that Barrow might have used foxfire created by me jump start the nogitsune's power inside Stiles" Kira said. "Yeah" Derek said.

"Basically, that I helped a dark spirit take control of his best friend" Kira said.

"You should probably wait here" Derek said before he and Hazel went in the building looking for Scott.


Derek, Hazel, and Scott were all sitting together in the waiting room after Derek and Hazel found Scott.

"You know the stuff you were telling me earlier about chemo signals" Scott asked. "It reminded me of the time you were teaching me to use anger to control the shift" Scott said.

"I think you ended up teaching me more about that" Derek said. "Are you teaching me again" Scott asked.

"Think of it more like sharing a few trade secrets" Derek said. "You know Hazel and I took Cora back to South America right" Derek asked. "It's where she spent most of her time after the fire but that's not the only reason I left" Derek said.

"I needed to talk to my mother" Derek said. "Your dead mother" Scott asked.

"She told me something that changed my perspective on a lot of things she said my family didn't just live in Beacon Hills, they protected it this town needs someone to protect it someone like you" Derek said.

"And someone like you to teach me a few trade secrets" Scott said and then realized something getting up. "What" Hazel said.

"He was trying to protect us Stiles was protecting us" Scott said. "From himself" Derek said.


Derek, Hazel, and Scott went to the roof of the hospital. "What are we looking for" Derek asked.

"I'm not sure but I think Stiles wasn't just up here struggling with himself I think he was struggling not to do something" Scott said.

Scott felt something on the hood and pulled it down revealing a bag of equipment. They all had saw the power cable was broke.


They all saw the power light up and Scott pulled Hazel behind him protecting her the best he can as he, Derek, and Hazel watched the scene.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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