Liam looked up when he saw Hazel and Scott make their way to him. "Is she okay" Liam asked. 

"She's gonna be fine but she can't really talk" Scott said. "Then it's over, isn't it" Liam asked.

"There's nothing we can do to save him" Liam said. "Don't be so sure" Hazel said. Scott's phone rang and he saw a voicemail from Kira. 

"Hey, give me a second" Scott said. "Scott" Hazel said. "Won't take long" Scott said and listened to the voicemail when he got an idea. "Get up" Scott told Liam.

"Why" Liam asked. "There's that look I never get tired of seeing" Hazel said smiling. "Because I have an idea and because this isn't over" Scott said.


Melissa walked in the room and Hazel helped Lydia sit up. "Lydia this is gonna have to be just between us since I can get fired for it" Melissa said.

"It's a cortisone shot it's gonna bring the inflammation down" Scott said and Lydia nodded.

"Take my hand" Hazel said and Lydia did. Lydia offered her free arm which Hazel wasn't holding.

"Not there" Melissa said. Melissa slightly removed Lydia's bandage on her neck. "Oh yeah okay I'm gonna need to leave" Stiles said.

"You're not going anywhere Lydia needs you both" Melissa said and Stiles held Lydia's other hand. "Okay fine I'm not going anywhere but I still might faint" Stiles said.

"Okay here we go" Melissa said and Liam fainted. "The needle wasn't even in" Hazel said and Scott rushed to Stiles.

"Okay Lydia this is gonna hurt" Melissa said. Melissa put the needle in, but Lydia didn't scream or anything almost like she didn't feel anything.

Which confused Scott, Liam and Melissa but then they saw Hazel was taking her pain. 

They all eventually left the hospital room. "Okay I'll get Malia text me when you find Parrish" Stiles said. "Hold on" Scott told Stiles and gave Stiles what he had. "What is this" Stiles asked.

"Something I've been working on for a while just make sure Malia gets it" Scott said.

"Okay is it plan B" Stiles asked. "It was, plan A" Scott said. "Plan A never works" Stiles said. "This one will" Scott said.

"Stiles keep my cousin alive and don't you die on me either" Hazel said and Stiles nodded and left.


"Scott" Lydia whispered as they heard electricity crackling. "You hear that" Liam asked. "Whatever that is it doesn't sound good" Hazel said.

"I heard that" Lydia said. "Lydia save your voice" Scott said.

"Lydia, Hazel, get out of the water" Liam said pushing them out of the water with Hazel catching Lydia more concerned about her than herself. 

Scott and Liam got electrocuted and fell down. "Scott, Puppy" Hazel said worried but when she looked behind her, she saw Theo who jerked her off of Lydia.

"Forgive me" Theo said and threw her to Scott and Liam before grabbing Lydia.

"Sorry Lydia" Theo said and threw her down when Scott quickly caught her hand.

"No" Hazel yelled seeing Theo's claws had kanima venom as he scratched Scott's neck with it. "Feel that Scott" Theo asked.

"Kanima venom just let it happen let it go let everything go" Theo said. "No" Scott said and let Lydia go as she screamed. Theo moved away from Scott when the beast roared.

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