"Perhaps," Camilla looked at Alicent, a hopeful look in her eyes. "Perhaps I could convince Viserys to invite you and your husband to live at the Red Keep, as courteirs. At least tell me his name so I might convince Viserys to allow you to have your wedding here."

As Alicent opened her mouth to speak a knock sounded from the door to the chambers. Camilla glanced from Alicent to the door, before sighing and straightening her dress.


One of Camilla's handmaidens entered the room, an apologetic look on her face. "Pardon me, Your Grace. The King has requested your presence."

Camilla looked to the window, seeing how dark it had grown caused a pit to form in her stomach. Helaena had been born under a full moon, now all that remained was the tiniest sliver. Less time was passing between each birth and when Viserys would call on her.

"The hour is quite late." Camilla addressed the servant, an unspoken question clearly heard between what was said and unsaid.

"Yes, Your Grace." The servant looked at her queen with pity, feeling sorry for the young mother.

"I shouldn't keep him waiting then." Camilla forced a smile as she turned back to her friend. "I apologize, Alicent. Perhaps we can continue our conversation in the morning?"

"Of course." Alicent promised, following Camilla to the door. "Would you like me to escort you?"

"No. It's best if I do this on my own." Camilla squeezed Alicent's hand before turning down the hallway, making her way to her husband's chambers. Her body ached with each step she took, the swelling from her pregnancy and afterbirth pains had not yet fully left her body.


Violet eyes fluttered open as the sun rose in the sky, light streaked in through the windows behind Camilla casting her shadow across the wall. Camilla's whole body ached, a soreness radiated from between her legs. A hand traveled under the sheets, moving to rub her stomach. She wondered if she was already with child again, If she was destined to live in her aunt's shadow and meet a similar fate. To be bred and bred until her body could take no more. She feared leaving her children behind, to go somewhere she could not protect them, to leave them at Viserys' mercy.

She could hear her husband moving at the foot of the bed, Camilla was thankful he had left her alone. She didn't want to face him just yet, to be a dutiful wife when she had already given so much. Camilla didn't know how much more she could give until there was nothing left of her.

A knock at the door caused Viserys to pause his movements for a moment, before calling for whoever it was to enter. She heard the door opening and the rustling of her husband's clothes as he stood up.

"What is it?" Viserys asked.

Otto Hightower's clear voice came next, somewhat surprising Camilla. She wondered why he was here so early. "I apologize for the early hour, Your Grace. I have, um, discomforting news. I thought it best shared discreetly before the council convenes."

"The Sea Snake." Viserys sighed, expecting word of his Cousin's husband.

"I'm afraid it concerns the princess, my King."

Camilla's blood ran cold at that, though she remained still knowing she would learn more if the men thought she was sleeping.

"Has she been harmed?" Viserys asked. Camilla could almost picture the way Viserys' brow furrowed when he was worried.

"It is no easy thing to tell a father of their daughter's exploits. I had considered saying nothing, but-"

"What has she done?" Viserys interrupted.

"The Princess was spied last evening... beyond the walls of the keep...in a pleasure house."

"What of it?"

"She was carrying on with her uncle."

Camilla couldn't believe it, she wouldn't. Rhaenyra wouldn't do that to her. They were friends, cousins, they had grown up as sisters. No, Otto had to be mistaken, he had to be.

"They were engaged in behaviors unbecoming of a maiden," Otto continued. "Of a Princess."

"What behaviors?"

"Well must I say it, Your Grace?"

"You enter my bedchamber, accusing my daughter of something. Now speak it plainly."

"Daemon and Rhaenyra were seen together in the bowels of a pleasure den...coupling"

"This is a lie," VIserys chuckled. "You have been lied to."

"I only wish that were true, Your Grace." Otto continued.

"Who is responsible for this gossip?" Viserys asked, a silent rage building within him. "Have this rumormonger brought before me at once and I will take their eyes."

"As your Hand, I must maintain trusted sources of information. And this one, as yet, has never led me astray. And several of the servants have now admitted to seeing her, the Princess, creeping through the gates from King's Landing, disguised as a page during the hour of the owl."

"Get out." Viserys ordered. "Leave me at once."

Camilla waited until she heard the door open and close before sitting up, the sheet held tight to her naked chest. Her eyes landed on her husband's back, watching as his figure hunched over a chair before knocking it over. He turned back to the bed, rubbing his jaw in an attempt to compose himself.

He seemed surprised at seeing Camilla awake, before composing himself and walking back to the bed. He stopped at the foot of the bed, staring at her.

"How much did you hear?"

"Enough." At Camilla's words Viserys sighed. Crossing the distance between the two, he sat on the edge of the bed beside her. Camilla reached out a hand, rubbing his back in an effort to comfort him. "What will you do?"

He looked at her, his beautiful young wife. She had already given him a male heir and a spare, perhaps it was time to do what the Small Council had already advised him to do. Viserys leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Camilla's forehead as his hand cupped her cheek.

"Daemon will no longer have a place at my court, he has hurt my family too many times. If he was allowed to stay, he would be the ruin of House Targaryen." Viserys pulled away.

Camilla watched as he stood up and pulled the thick corded rope beside the bed, alerting the servants they were needed. Viserys turned his back on his wife, walking towards the large stone city in the middle of the room. While her husband ignored her in favor of his model of Old Valyria, Camilla quickly located her shift and dressing, covering her skin before anyone else entered


The Queen's handmaidens had arrived with the King's attendants, quickly escorting their Queen from her husband's chambers and back to her own. Camilla had not spoken as her servants readied her for the day. When she looked at them all she could think was if they had seen Rhaenyra, if they knew.

Not knowing what to do to calm her mind and racing nerves, Camilla found herself moving. Her feet carried her through the halls of the castle and up staircases to a familiar door in one of the Red Keep's multiple towers. She was knocking on the door before she could really think it over.

A servant opened the door, quickly dropping into a curtsy at the sight of Camilla. "Your, Grace."

"I need to speak to Alicent." 

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