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Walking through rugged metal hallways was a large Cabal in white and gold armor, three strips of red cloth flowing down his back, flanked by faux white wings. He wore a mask over his face, albino white with piercing red eyes. He had a large sidearm on his hip, matching the colors of his armor. He stepped through a large door into a throne room of some kind of warship. There was another Cabal there in red armor, a cape of scales barely scraping against the floor behind him, blind in his scarred left eye. The white armored one lets out a grunt before speaking.

White; "Consul."

The Consul gave a curt bow as the viewport went from opaque to transparent, giving the pair a view of the Earth from high orbit, old satellites crashing against the hull, leaving it undamaged.

Consul; "Dominus Ghaul... Emperor white and gold suits you."

Ghaul scowls as more ships begin entering the periphery of the observation window, at least a score of them.

Ghaul; "Enough pleasantries and compliments, Iago. I'm here for one reason only, and I intend to make this a clean operation."

Ghaul turned to a Psion that had entered the room, wearing armor the same vermillion as Iago.

Ghaul; "Sizmic, get the satellites offline and deploy cyber warfare measures."

The Psion nodded before vacating the room, the viewports beginning to glow with the heat of entering atmosphere, passing into a large storm cloud once the hull began to cool. Iago stood at Ghauls side as the thunder quietly roared outside the ship, lightning flashing occasionally.

Ghaul; "Hmph... The weather works in our favor for once."

Iago let out a singular, haughty laugh, looking to Ghaul with a meager smile; the best a Cabal face could muster.

Iago; "You're the emperor now, my boy! All things bend to your will. The-"

He's interrupted by a groaning alarm coming from the throne, an orange light flashing on the right arm rest. Ghauls expression softened and he hastily made his way to the throne, sitting in it as a holographic projection of a Cabal with tusks protruding from either side of their hooded face, adorned with a pale gold harness and a navy blue loin cloth over a loose shirt, their boots also pale gold. Ghaul spoke to her with a softer voice, as though a teacher speaking to a student.

Ghaul; "Caiatl."

Caiatl straightened her posture when she heard the voice of Ghaul, as though she could only hear him and not see him.

Caiatl; "Dominus. I take it you've arrived in Sol?"

Ghaul adjusted himself in his seat, throwing the strips of crimson cloth behind the throne.

Ghaul; "Indeed, we have. And what of Calus?"

Caiatl glanced over her shoulder before replying.

Caiatl; "My father and the Leviathan have entered FTL speeds; he is no longer in the Torobatl system."

One could imagine a smile creeping up on Ghauls face.

Ghaul; "Very good, young one. I knew you would be the one to take care of the home world in my absence."

Caiatl folded her arms over her chest, lifting her head so her tusks were at the same level as her eyes, said eyes a glowing amber color.

Caiatl; "Do you intend to bring this great machine back to Torobatl with your victory? Or will you carry it with your fleet into battle?"

Ghaul shrugged with a grunt as the clouds ahead began to thin.

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