Chapter 51 - A Club Members Duties

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I sat a couple of feet from Nagumo's left. While Ichinose took a spot directly to his right.

"Now," Nagumo started. "Shall we begin your interview?"

"Before we begin," I took a slight glance in Ichinose's direction. "I was under the impression this interview would be... private."

Nagumo looked at Ichinose after my sentence. "Don't worry about her. It's just a formality. I need someone here to record this interview and decided a fellow friend would be nice. You could always pretend she's not here," Nagumo offered me a slight smirk.

I see what he's doing. This conversation could go a multitude of ways.

Nagumo could make false accusations against me, try to ruin my reputation or expose something about me. Having Ichinose here limits my actions because I have an image to maintain.

I wouldn't expect Ichinose to be a blabbermouth about what goes on in this room. But depending on what topic is brought up or how I act, it could severely damage the trust I've built with her and possibly leak out into school.

After all, the council has a ludicrous amount of power within this school. Nagumo could do anything or reveal anything he wanted to.

Playing it safe for now is my only option.

"That is totally fine," I responded. "She is a dear friend of mine, so it wouldn't bother me."

"That's good to hear," Nagumo said as Ichinose began to furiously write everything down in a notebook.

"I've been expecting you to come for an interview for some time now, Fukumoto," Nagumo stated.

"That's odd because I only mentioned this interview to you recently, senpai."

"There was an individual on the council who was excited about the prospect of you joining us, so I was informed a long time ago."

Ichinose froze for a second before continuing her writing. I guess Nagumo's been prepared for my call for some time now.

"May I ask one question first, out of my own interest," asked Nagumo.

"Anything, senpai."

"How did you acquire my phone number? I'm quite sure I've never given it to you."

"Another senpai in your year gave it to me when I asked. I'm sorry if it broke a sense of privacy with you since I got it in a roundabout way."

"Ah, so Kiryuuin gave it to you. She is definitely a wildcard. I never would expect her to help someone like you."

Earlier this year, when I had my first encounter with Nagumo, Kiryuuin also showed up and offered her assistance to me at any point.

Funny that the first thing I asked of her was related to how I met her.

"Now that we got that matter out of the way. We can formally start the interview. So, Fukumoto, why are you interested in a position on the council?"

Really, that's his first question?

Nagumo is never this formal. I may have had limited interactions with him, but I can tell something's off about how he is conducting this interview.

He wouldn't be asking me simple interview questions like this. He'd be making crafty questions to reveal any information I had that could benefit him, or he'd use them to drive me into a corner.

Whatever was happening just seemed off.

"Simple. I believe a spot on the council could help me grow as a person; broaden my horizon. Nonetheless, I want a position on the council so I could help this school evolve and change."

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