"Well... That went as well as I expected it to. My village has our own dialect... It was quite unlikely and it is possible they held her in captivity for... Well, I would rather not think how long. I remember how relieved she looked when I lulled her to sleep. Like she hadn't had rest or peace in many moons... She might understand gestures instead of words...? But I think Zoya ought to spend more time with her. She's very tuned into you at the moment. It would be good to befriend her."

"Oh... Well... Fine. It's not like I've got anything better to do since our idiot tsar decided to release the prisoners back to Fjerda- oww- I meant our wonderful, beloved tsar of course." Zoya sent a glare Alina's way, the beautiful Squaller's expression actually softening by an inch when she noticed the number of emotions that crossed Ixora's face. She was clearly in turmoil. Zoya was relieved she didn't understand what it meant to be in love - she only wanted to keep an eye on their new prisoner.

Who was keeping an eye on her right back, it seemed, eyes glowing. She had the adoring energy of a wolf pup. Strangely, it endeared the Squaller who casually leaned close to the cage of a stranger who almost murdered the lot of them and tried to teach her how to pronounce the words "Mistress Zoya".

"Where is he, Alina?"

"Last I checked... His chambers."

Ixora gave both a slight nod, waved gently to the prisoner who attempted to copy the movement of her hand and fingers with little success - although Zoya's laugh felt reward enough for Pet - and went on her way. However, Nikolai's room was empty.

It took a single glance out of the window to find out why. The Fjerdans were leaving; Ravkans from within the castle and beyond gathered and eager yet suspicious of their departure.

Nikolai stood beside the Commander, staring down at the pit they both could have lost their lives in. He would get it filled as soon as possible. Perhaps put a fountain above it or a training range - something new to make away with the old. The wind caused ripples in Brum's coat, making him look even more the grand and frightful beast he was. The tsar was glad to be rid of him.

"You asked to speak to me, Commander but now that the war has been brought to a halt and peace talks may begin, I would like some time away from you. Let's make this quick so we can all go home and get some rest, alright?"

"Alright then. I'm rather eager to leave this wretched land myself. I wanted to inform you that I saw it beyond the smoke and fog. The darkness. You have the Dark One's power in you." Nikolai froze up a moment, then relinquished defeat, crossing his arms over his chest. If he was lucky, the man wouldn't tell another soul. If he wasn't, Brum would tell the world Nikolai had used it to cheat and win - what a messy end to things. Before he began to consider the many ways Brum could try to attack him right then and there, he decided he would try at the very least to explain himself.

Perhaps the bloodthirsty warhead would listen?

"I did not use any power whatsoever on you so you cannot put this against me. I fought you as myself. You would have died in a moment had I not, by its hand. I neither draw power from it - it's rather the opposite way around - nor did I purposefully have it attached to my skin in the first place. I am sure your spies in Ravka must know how this power was impossible for even him to puppet at will, that much less I - as mortal as you are."

I know, Lantsov. Yet, here you are. Here we both are. What I do not understand... It should have killed me. I nearly killed you so that should have been trigger enough. Why was I not cut in half? You could have simply told your people your blade had done it. I keep trying to wrap my head around the reason you spared me..."

"And risk sparking another war?"

"This is precisely what confuses me. You did control the beast. You forced it back to save my life... But how? I am genuinely curious, you know. Not foolish enough to tempt the fates and want such a dangerous beast capable of defying even the Darkling for myself but... "

The Tsar, The Princess And The Tailorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن