"You too." I say waving Sirius over. He comes over and sits in front of me. I mutter a quick, 'episkey' and his nose snaps back into place, then I scorgify the dried blood under it. I heal a quick bruise on his jaw and stand up. "You're really good at that." James comments. The way I grew up you had to be. "Yeah I had a lot of experience." I immediately grimace at the words I hadn't meant to say.

I turn away from them so they don't see the regret at the words. Nor the reminder they served. "ready for dinner?" Remus says coming down the stairs from the dormitories running a hand through his hair. James and Sirius nod getting up from the couch excitedly at the prospect of food.

I don't. "I'm not really hungry you guys go without me, I better start researching anyway." Harry gives me a knowing look but I ignore him instead giving Remus a small, strained smile. He stops mid buttoning of his shirt to look up at me. "Are you sure? I didn't see you at lunch." I wave him off. "I had a house eld bring me something after, I wasn't really hungry then either."

Remus doesn't seem to buy it, and neither does Harry—although the other two dimwits don't even blink—but he ends up giving me a nod of acceptance, no matter how much suspicionhis eyes hold. "If you're sure." He says shrugging and doesn't get the chance to say anything more before Sirius and James are dragging him out the door grumbling about their 'poor starving stomachs.'

"Bye niecy!"

— — —

I groan shutting another book in disappointment and frustration.

I had just decided that I would try to have dinner—even if I had to force it down my own throat—when I ran into Dumbledore, who was 'most displeased at my lack of work towards fixing our situation.' And told me in slightly nicer terms to forget resting and figure out a way to get us back to our time, so we can get back to the horrifying ordeal of war.

So here I am going over everything I can think of, I've reread Hogwarts: a history, front to back but there is no mention of anything like this happening. It truth there was never a point in history where the failsafe was activated, so there is very little to go on.

The failsafe is supposed to take all witches and wizards under the age of 18 to a safe location, but since the war was going on everyone in Britain, there was so safe place in our time, so it sent us back in time. But there is no mention of the failsafe being able to do such a thing, nor does it mention how to get back if it did.

So in other words, we're completely and totally,


I slam my head on the desk and groan. "Fuck!" Damn Dumbledore. Damn Voldemort. Damn everyone that got me to this point. Damn her.

Suddenly I hear a feminine giggle. I look up and am met with Pansy Parkinson leaning on a bloody bookcase. "Hermione Granger yelling obscenities in the library? What would  McGonagle say?" She gasped mockingly.

I roll my eyes and sigh once again putting my face in my arms in the desk. "I would explain to McGonagle that it's either this or pulling a Dumbledore and pitching myself off the bloody astronomy tower." I tell her, though it comes out muffled due to the fact it didn't lift my face from its hiding spot in my arms.

She tsks. "Now that's not very golden girl of you." She says and I can practically hear her smirk. "Yeah, well the golden girl in me died along with Fred." It's like the air goes still with those words, and I can tell Pansy's smile is gone.

I lift my head and rub my forehead in frustration. "I'm sorry Pans, I'm just having a bad day. Dumbledore basically tasked me with saving us all—as usual—but haven't slept in months and I guess the exhaustion is catching up to me." I tell her and for the most part it's true. But on the other there's a million more haunting things on my mind.

The world we change (a Harry Potter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now