Part 14

221 8 2

September 10th


"Mione, mione wait up." I yell after Hermione as she rushes out of potions but she doesn't stop, just walks faster. I sigh running a hand through my tangled hair.

"She still not talking to you huh?" My dad says coming to stand in my fight with Sirius on my left. "Nope, hasn't said anything to me since I spilled it. I'm starting to wish I'd just left it alone." Sirius slaps a hand on my shoulder. "Well if it makes you feel better, I'm super glad you told me." He grins and I roll my eyes.

"Well you're not my best friend." I say and he slaps a hand over his heart with a gasp. Dad puts an arm around his shoulder. "Don't worry paddy, I'll always love you." He says getting closer giving him a mockingly flirty smile and a wink."Oh James, you're the only one who will never leave me." He sighs dramatically.

"Oh paddy, you'll always be my greatest love!" At this point I can't stop my grin. "Oh and here I thought I was your girlfriend." Mom says smirking as she comes up from behind them. Sirius gasps. "You're cheating on me?" He yells loudly putting a hand to his chest in mock sadness. At this point people have stopped to watch the scene.

"I gave you my heart and soul, I've waisted my whole life on you, and this is what you give me in return." He makes a big show of it his hands waving around in the air as he yells at my father, wiping tears from his eyes that aren't even there. "You bitch!" He yells and before we know it he's smacked my father so hard across the face his face turned completely to the side and he stumbled back.

At this point I have to ignore the urge to cover my face at risk of missing the show. "Oh and your so innocent? You think I don't know your getting it down with Lupin when I'm not there, you sick son of a bitch!" He punches him and a round of gasps and "ohs' go around the crowd that has gathered. "Yeah she's a bitch, just like Remus when he takes it up the ass!"

I grimace. Could have gone a lifetime without knowing that. I see Remus cover his face with his hands. More gasps go up as Sirius punches him back. "I have you my entire life! And I'd can you a son of a bitch but your mother's a godric damn saint!" Sirius yells and at this point I'm laughing so hard tears are in my eyes as Professor McGonagle walks between them.

"That is enough, Mr potter, Mr black, of the dramatics. If you find yourselves so bored you have to resort to yelling absurd things in the hallway, I'll be generous and give you something to do. Detention, both of you." She says sternly but neither of their grins falter for even a moment, in fact they put an arm around each of the other's shoulders and their grins get progressively bigger.

"Oh minny, you know you love us...."


"So let me get this straight, you two—" I point to James and Sirius. "Staged a break up for a relationship that never existed, accused each other of cheating with your actual spouses, started a fight in the middle of the hallway, got detention, then proceeded to get more detention for trying to negotiate your way out of detention, all because you were bored?"

They look to each other and nod a little before turning back to me and shrugging. "Yeah, that pretty much sums it up." Sirius grins and i groan. He gets up and swings his arm over my shoulder pulling me to his side. "Don't worry little niece, James didn't mess me up too much, I'm still your best looking uncle." She smirks and I shake my head with a small smile. "Your my only uncle." I mutter. He grins. "Exactly."

I sigh and cross my arms as I take in their injuries, however slight. I kneel in front of James. "Here let me heal that for you." I say grabbing his jaw so I could put my fingers to the black eye. I mutter a quick spell under my breath and the bruise starts to heal. I then move to his cheek where a bright red hand mark resides and perform the same spell to make it disappear.

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