Chp 18: "Cook and Run/Charles Standish"

Start from the beginning

Sam: what's that?

MJ: just listen

An hour later MJ has explained to the three that she has snuck in to the address Sam and Peter found, she found out it was a chop shop ran by tombstone as he was partnering with Martin Lee to create a vehicle for his next move

Currently Sam, Gwen and MJ were sitting on her couche crunching numbers in her laptop as peter was in the kitchen cooking up so something

Gwen: wow, I can't believe you actually snuck into a shop full of armed guys

Peter: I wanna say don't ever do that again but, since I know you're going to anyway, here

Peter says as he paces her a device that was named the "spider lure"

Peter: take a few of those next time

MJ: nice, thanks

Sam: I heard tombstone was crazy and pretty much invincible

Gwen: makes me wonder how you always managed to beat him Peter

Peter: oh tombstone, that guys the mother of all headaches, I've already lost count of how many dances I've had with him, my back just aches thinking about it

Sam: that bad huh?, Well good thing you've got me for backup now Pete

MJ: everybody has thyre weakness Pete, mine is....whatever your cooking right now, smells amazing

Peter: the chicken curry, just needs some time to simmer

MJ: no dumplings I hope

Peter looks up as he joins them on the couch

Peter: you are never gonna let me live that one down are you?

MJ: nope

Sam: what is this story?

MJ: okay, so when we were dating I invite this guy over to my house to spend some time toghter and pretty much insisted he'd cook when I just wanted to order pizza, he invaded my kitchen when I said it was fine

Peter: I just wanted to be gentlemanly

MJ: he tries a new recipe he picked up and the outcome was a disaster, half my apartment was burnt and half the building was almost incinerated

Sam: damn

Gwen: you sure you should ever cook again?

Peter: whatever

MJ: I still can't believe they evacuated the entire building

Peter: I know and in January too, you're neighbors hated me

MJ: yeah they were, pretty happy when we broke up

Peter: heh, yeah....

Peter said as he looked down a bit and MJ tries to change the subject

MJ: so, let's talk about what you and Sam found in Lee's office

Sam: well, Lee clearly has beef with Osborne

Gwen: yeah, but why?

Sam: don't know yet, but it looks his next move involves devil's breath

Peter: whatever that is

MJ: yeah, Gwen and I will dig into it

MJ says as she looks at the three

MJ: so I was thinking, what if we all band together?

Sam: wha-, you wanna join our crusade in crime fighting?

Gwen: I...don't know about that I mean I can fight but not like a spider per-

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