"How's your hand?" She started hesitantly, trying to bring up the topic.

"Better, thanks to you," Ashton smirked, recalling the day of their heated lip lock. He was internally jumping in happiness that Grace hadn't shown resistance once between their session. Instead she had participated rather enthusiastically. Blood rushed to Grace's cheek remembering the events after Ashton's smirk. She knew his thoughts went there. But she immediately tried to snap out of it. Only if she could.

Ashton Knight stood up from his chair, circling his table, reached the chair Grace was sitting on with predatory steps as if ready to pounce on her any second. Grace's heart jackhammered against her ribcage and she thought of running out of the room. Only if she was quick enough. Ashton had already reached her and now had his arms gripping the sides of the chair she was sitting in, as he leaned down to her level, bringing his face directly in front of her, so close she could feel his breath on her lips.

"Were you worried for me, hmm Grace?" He spoke sensually on purpose, in a low husky tone.

"No...it's.. it's just that I was wondering...." She trailed off.

"What were you wondering about, sweet Grace? Hmm?" He drew in closer, dragging his nose down her neck and taking in her scent. She smelled heavenly.

"Just..," she started with much struggle but continued, "just that how did you get it?" Ashton closed his eyes taking in a deep breath to not think about the incident that had made him so mad, he lost control and almost killed the man responsible for it. Not that he won't, but he needed some things to be done before that. He ignored his rage, continuing to trail his nose along the length of her neck before he reached her earlobe and blew a feather-like kiss on it.

"That story is for another time Grace." He whispered into her ear, making her shiver slightly. He enjoyed seeing this side of her and wanted to stay close to her but the shrill of his phone brought him back to his senses. He cursed under his breath before moving away from her and going back to his table to attend the call.

"Yes?" He spoke harshly, feeling angry for being disturbed between his moment with Grace. But his anger was short-lived once he heard the next words on the phone.

"Papers are ready Boss," Ashton smirked in triumph.

"Wonderful, I'll meet you there," he said before hanging up. Grace saw him moving to get his coat that was hung on his recliner. Only now did she take I'm his appearance completely, his white crisp button on shirt with two buttons opened at the top, and sleeves rolled up to his elbow. To say he looked good, would be an understatement. He looked sexy in his rugged appearance and disheveled hair. Like a devil straight out of hell. His veins popped up as he clenched his phone in his fist before making his way back to her.

"I have something to take care of real quick. Keep working on the project. I'll be back in 2 hours and then we are going out for dinner. Don't worry about me too much, hmm?" He raised his brow at her. Grace was busy admiring his face that she did not understand the words coming out of his mouth before she nodded absentmindedly on his request. And with a final kiss to her knuckles, Ashton Knight was out of the door in a flash, leaving her to ponder over her wild thoughts.

In the dimly lit warehouse, a foreboding atmosphere hung heavy in the air. The faint smell of gasoline lingered, a chilling reminder of the sinister intent that had brought everyone to this place. Elijah Worthing, his once-confident demeanor now shaken, was bound to a chair in the center of the room, his body bruised and battered.

Ashton Knight's men encircled him, their faces hardened by their loyalty to their leader and their disdain for the man before them.

Ashton, with an imposing figure and a cold determination in his eyes, stood tall at the head of the room. He had vowed to protect his loved ones from the likes of Elijah, and now he held the power to deliver retribution for the heinous act that had brought him here.

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