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chapter 19

chapter 19

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"Alright, who wants to go first?" Chan lifted the mic, waving it in the air

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"Alright, who wants to go first?" Chan lifted the mic, waving it in the air. All of the students hesitated to go up. No one spoke for a long while. He was patiently waiting for a student to volunteer to sing when Gyuvin's loud voice filled the awkward atmosphere.

"Taerae can go!"

"Gyuvin are you fucking serious is it because I—" He was shoved to the front of the cabin where Chan stood by Gyuvin. Taerae stood in front of the older, feeling awkward. Gyuvin rushed back to his bonfire, giggling.

Taerae sent a dark glare to the other, having him gulp loudly which Ricky didn't leave unnoticed. The blonde let out a quiet chuckle before returning his eyes back to Taerae at the front.

"Is there a song you want to choose?" Chan asked into the microphone. He softly shook his head. "Just choose a ballad song that's recent or in the 90s. Not the older ones." He flashed his iconic smile, his dimples becoming noticeable to Chan. The other slightly cooed at Taerae's cuteness before choosing a song on his laptop.

He chose a random song, clicking on the video using the touchpad on his laptop. Wonwoo had used a few wires to connect the speakers together before Chan began playing the song.

Soft music filled everyone's ears. Taerae grabbed the microphone from Chan's hands and held it near his lips. Soon all of the students, even the campsite workers, were cheering for Taerae. Matthew and Gyuvin hollered out loud screams. He soon began to sing. His soft vocals eased everybody's ears.

Whilst Taerae was singing, Jiwoong was placing cream on Heejin's small burn scar. "You don't have to add a lot." She remarked. He quickly finished adding the last bits of cream before sealing the squeeze tube closed.

"Thanks, Jiwoong." She smiled. "Of course." He proceeded to take out a marshmallow from a bag before shoving that marshmallow into her mouth. She slowly chewed the small piece. Her eyes widened in delight.

"It's yummy." She whispered to him, grinning from both corners of her lips. Her eyes turned back to the front to focus on Taerae's karaoke performance. His song was nearly coming to an end. He stably sang his high note, having everybody cheer loudly in unison.

"THAT'S MY TAERAE!" Haerin screamed. Taerae sent her a smile before singing his last lines before the song ended. Once it ended, everybody applauded. A few people from his class sent loud whistles in approval.

"TAERAE!!!" Jiwoong yelled, his arms waving at him. He had stuffed a few marshmallows in his mouth before he motioned to Taerae, causing him to choke. Heejin caught him, making her purse in her lips as she tried to hide her laughter.

Taerae bowed to the students screaming for him and Chan who was smiling next to him. He gave his microphone to the older one. He scurried back to his seat when Hanbin was applauding for him. Zhanghao embraced him into his arms, congratulating him.

"Right... That was a great performance." Chan commented. All eyes immediately laid on Taerae as he flushed in embarrassment. "Who's next?" Chan asked. Everybody grew silent again.

"Oh come on! Are you—"

"We'll go!" Gyuvin stood up, smiling with confidence. "Who the hell is we—" Ricky was interrupted by Gyuvin's loud voice overtaking his. "Us!" He pulled the blonde out of his seat, dragging him to the front of the cabin.

"Is there a song you want to choose?" Chan had to raise his head to look at the two. Both Gyuvin and Ricky's heights made the shorter feel overwhelmed.

"You can choose any song."

"What—" Gyuvin palmed Ricky's mouth before whispering in my ear. "This is for pushing me into the lake a few days ago." The latter sighed, feeling defeated once and for all.

Gyuvin was handed an extra microphone from Joshua. He made sure to thank him before giving the extra microphone to Ricky. Chan played the song, which began with an upbeat instrumental that likely took place in the 70s.

"What the hell?" Ricky whispered to himself. Gyuvin began singing the song, not following the rhythm of the lyrics. A few people snickered a bit at their silliness. Ricky was next to sing. He couldn't sing the lyrics clearly as they were too quick for him to read.

"Geundae— What?" More students laughed at Ricky's confusion. The song came to an end soon enough and people applauded. Gyuvin gave him a pat on the butt. Ricky flashed his gummy smile knowing that after all, there was nothing to be embarrassed about since it was karaoke and not an actual singing performance.

More people from different schools came to sing at the front. Many people sung well, leaving everybody impressed while others were just trying to be silly. Heejin had eaten about 10 s'mores throughout all of the performances. Jiwoong fed her 5 of them.

"The next segment is called, 'Sentimental Time!'" Seungkwan stole Chan's mic, before announcing the next segment of the bonfire activity. "You will go up here and express your thoughts about others, this trip, or anything basically. You can be sentimental—most people are usually sentimental when it comes to this—funny, or etcetera. Most people like to embarrass their friends when it comes to this segment, and you may want to as well." He winked at the students.

Hanbin turned to make eye contact with his entire friend group after hearing the last sentence from Seungkwan. He knew everything about everyone. He even knew some stuff about people they didn't know themselves. The rest of the friend group looked at him in fear.

"By the way, if you're going to call out people, you can do as many people as you want." Seungkwan smiled, predicting what was about to go down. Seungcheol rushed to Seungkwan's side to snatch the mic away from the younger. "By the way, this is only for entertainment purposes, say anything very offensive and you get thrown into the lake." He whispered before scurrying away.

"You heard the man. Now let's begin!"

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 i am now sick 😭

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