Lilith 'Ghost' Mackenzie

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"Good morning, sweetheart." I opened my eyes, tilting my head back to see Hound staring back at me with an emotion I could not decipher. "Good morning, Hound." I softly said, giving him a soft smile when my eyes widened at the affection, he showed by kissing my forehead gently as he rolled onto his back taking me with him as I sat up on his lap, placing my hand on his hard muscular chest. Looking down at the grinning man who held my wide hips in his large, hands gently stroking my sides with his thumbs. I blushed bright red, taking my eyes away from his handsome face, not wanting to embarrass myself even more.

"Ho, ho! Ghost is blushing!" I groaned and whined out annoyed that Coyote who cackled amused, as he walked in with the rest of the guys including out CO who had one eyebrow raised at the situation, we were both in.

"Coyote! Shut the fuck up!" I hissed out, reading myself to launch off Hound and tackle the six-foot two, male annoyance. "Breath, sweetheart. You can duke it out later, now we need to tell CO what happened." I sighed listening to Hounds, soft deep voice as he whispered to me.

I still had the pout on my face with a harsh glare at an amused Coyote who was grinning and waving happily at me in a mocking manner. "I hate you, Coyote." I mumbled out, getting off from Hound and taking my seat next to his bed, not wanting to let go of him just yet, I quickly grabbed his left hand and laced our hands together, holding our hands in both of mine as I looked away not meeting our CO in the eyes, worried I might have overstepped myself more than I should as a naval seal officer, especially an ensign navy seal.

"Ensign Lilith Mackenzie, I am honoring you to lieutenant junior grade, starting to today, as you have saved you team leaders life in combat, but as well back on home grounds, giving your life to save another with out a thought in your mind." I looked up stunned for a second, not fully understanding that I was just promoted from Ensign to LTJG in a matter of saving a soldiers life that I have done many times repeatedly. "Thank you, sir." I softly said, grinning happily at the people in this room who were witness to my promotion.

"Hot damn! Our sister, is finally one of us!" Hyena and Coyote hollered out, cheering for me with there hooting and calls. I shook my head laughing at the two idiots while Wolf, Jackal, Hound, and I watched on amused as I began to explain everything to our CO what happened on our mission and how Hound got injured.

I told him I had to take point, on saving his life, and keeping the package calm and not so hysterical as we got her on the Helo and Hyena had to begin onsite surgery to help stop the stem flow of where Hound of shot multiply times.

I never knew that I would have a group of men become so important to me in such a short time, that I even started to have feelings for our team leader, and I am not sure if these feelings are mutual.

Hound told us all to head on home, and to rest as he knows he will be alright and will be on his feet in know time to rest up at Charlies with the whole group even if they had to sneak me inside as I was still underage. I tried to stay behind, but Hound kissed my forehead promising me he was fine now, and that I need to go home and rest some more and he will be out soon.

I sighed feeling defeated when, all I had been doing was staying in is hospital room wide awake with worry and now that I know he will be alright, I gave in and left him to rest.

The moment, I got home I saw my brother was sitting in the top of his car with an annoyed facial expression on his face, and I rolled my eyes not wanting to deal with his attitude and bull shit, since I was beyond drained from everything that had happened in the last few days since we had returned from our two week long mission.

"Darcy, what the fuck are doing here?" I coldly asked, making my way up stairs, annoyed with exhaustion coming off from body. "Lilith, what I want to know is how you got yourself in the USA navy!" I narrowed my eyes coldly at Darcy, watching him flinch from my stare as, I unlocked my door with him following behind me. I heard him gasp out loud, and I shrugged not caring if he saw my three brother in arms sitting in my living room playing cards, like they have been doing as they all camped at my apartment.

"What the hell!" Darcy screeched out, making me want to gag him. That is not a bad idea, I quickly grabbed one of the blind folds I have from BUDs boot camp, and I slowly nodded to Hyena to silently tell him to keep him distracted.

While Darcy was distracted, I quickly twisted the clothe in my hands and wrapped it around my brothers mouth silencing him completely who now stared at me with true fear in his eyes, when he realized I was not fucking around. "You are going to keep you fucking mouth shut, and I will start from the beginning." I told him, forcing him to seat between Wolf and Jackal on the couch.

I took my seat on the floor next Hyena who was taking a sip of his beer, that I took from him and chugged it down, and ignoring the four guys watching me, three were worried as one was staring at me with fear in his eyes with the fabric stuffed in his mouth.

"The moment I graduated from high school, I moved to live with Uncle in Virginia, and that was when I was working at a clothing store part time, when I was told he died in action and the last thing he wished for was for me to follow my dreams and to make him proud. So, I at seventeen, signed up for BUDs boot camp in little creek, Virginia. I graduated with the top marks in swimming, combat, explosive ordinance, as well as artillery combat. After, the first couple tours in the last two years, I was sent here to join the naval base here with my new unit, Seal Team One." I blankly said, staring my brother dead in the eyes, not giving him any ammo to say back to me when Wolf tore the fabric out of his mouth. "Before you say shit, this was not to gain anyone's fucking attention. This was me wanting to follow my dreams and follow in our uncles footsteps as the first female Naval Seal Officer in the United States of America." I said, watching him stare at me silently. "I will inform Mother and the rest of the family about this issue of yours." I held up my hand stopping my boys from maiming my older brother. "This is no issue, Darcy. This is my life, my career path, not some fucking gag or joke. I have been, shot at, stabbed, tortured, and sexually harassed in my line of duty. This is no game being played here." I calmly said, as we all watched him walk out my door with Wolf closing and locking it up.

The following day, I woke up to feeling someone's foot was nudging me in their sleep and I was wide awake with Coyote's foot nudging me and close to pushing me off the bed.

I rolled silently off the bed, shaking my head at my best friend who was out cold spooning Hyena as he slept half on and off the bed. I was amused seeing this when, Jackal came in smirking with an air horn in his hand, that was when I took off quickly down the hallway, plugging my ears in with my hands not wanting to hear the high pitch sound of an air horn going off.

"Jackal, have his trusty air horn?" I giggled nodding, as I took my seat at my island, with Wolf handing me over a plate of warm food. "I am going to go get Hound and bring him back here as we have all decided to stay with you." I shook my head amused knowing that these men are now my unit, my close friends, and the only true family I truly have. "Yea, that is fine. I have enough room in this place anyways." I said, shrugging my shoulders as we both began to eat our food.

Saving Lilith: The Navy Seal Saving Series Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now