Lilith 'Ghost' Mackenzie

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After our explanation Jackal had to send a text to inform our CO about the whole ordeal and I knew I would have to do another debrief of us saving more lives even though one innocent was taken to soon.

"Here, Ghost. Let me drive back to your place and we can hit it back with chinese food and some beers." I nodded handing over my keys to Jackal.

When we arrived at my apartment a few hours later we sat on the floor leaning our backs against the sofa as we watched the A-team remake eating and drinking our beers to relax from the damn stress of the day.

"Ghost, you did good today, and I am glad to have you in our team." I looked over to Jackal to see he was not joking and was sincere. "Thank-you, Jackal. That means a lot to hear that, I know it will take some time for me to earn everyone's trust in me to have your backs, and I will do everything to prove myself even more." I sincerely told him as we continued to watch the movie and eat our food.

A few hours later I felt myself being lifted and carried to my bedroom, as I felt myself being tucked into my warm bed.

"Rest, Ghost. I will deal with everything with the CO about what happened this morning." I nodded sleepily, as I let sleep take over after feeling Jackal leave a kiss on my forehead as I heard him leave my apartment and locking the door behind him.

I was startled awake to hearing a loud knocking coming from my front door, I quickly got out my bed grabbing my handgun on my nightstand as I sleepily headed towards my living room where I saw Jackal was now sitting up wearing nothing but his boxer briefs showing off his well built, broad muscular frame.

We both tensed up hearing the loud sound coming from my front door and I went over to peek through the peephole to see someone I thought I would never see ever again.

"Ghost, who is at the door?" I turned my head towards Jackal thinking if I should even tell him the full truth of what my life is like outside of missions.

"It's my older brother and I do not know how he even knew where I lived and how he even got into the apartment complex." I worriedly said, taking in a deep breath after telling him the truth and trying to stop my hands from shaking from how pissed off I was feeling.

I closed my eyes trying to calm down my temper knowing if I open that door, I will deck Darcy and not regret doing it when I opened my eyes, feeling large warm hands against my cheeks, with Jackal looking down at me with worry and hidden anger behind his dark eyes.

"Ghost, if you want, I can answer the door for you and tell him to fuck off." I shook my head smiling and giggling at the fact this big man smirking down at me amused with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Stay with me and please hold me back if I go to deck him." I jokingly told Jackal, as I answered my door opening it to see Darcy in one of his many expensive suits.

Darcy and I stared at each other for a few minutes before I turned around leaving my door wide open for him as I gently pushed the giant man back towards my bedroom to get ready for our trip to the base for PT.

"How did you find me Darcy?" I coldly asked him as I quickly set up my coffee machine to start brewing as I waited for my brother to say something.

"Lilith, who is he?" I closed my eyes, gripping the counter knowing my hands were strained and white from how hard I was trying to hold back from wanting to deck my brother clean across the face after he deflected my question.

"Instead of interrogating Ghost, I would rather you fucking ask me up front." My eyes widened slightly hearing Jackal enter the room as he stared my brother down wearing our PT uniform with his large muscular arms crossed his chest.

I had to bite my lip from laugh right out seeing how my brother tried to hide the fear he was feeling when Jackal came out of no where.

"I am not talking to you asshole." I raised an eyebrow at my brother, leaning my hip against my counter with my arms crossed over my chest and hands tucked under my armpits, as I watched on amused to see my brother try to take on a fucking navy seal.

"Darcy meet Jackal. Jackal, meet my idiot brother I told you about yesterday." I sassily said, pushing off from the counter as I left the two men in my kitchen,

I quickly changed into my PT uniform that consisted of tight long sleeve navy blue shirt with the navy seal on the front with white cargo pants and combat boots.

After getting changed I pulled my long brown hair up into a high ponytail letting it rest down my back as I went back out to see my brother with wide eyes as he was now pushed up against my door with an angry alpha male towering over him.

"Darcy, what did you do." I groaned out placing myself between my teammate and my idiot brother. "I do not understand, what the fuck is going on and I swear to god Lilith you need to stop whatever game you are playing at just to get our attention and the only reason I was forced to find you was to tell you that our father is deathly sick." I blankly looked Darcy in the eyes ignoring the deep growl coming from the man behind me.

"Darcy, I do not give two shits if father is on his death bed, and secondly I am not playing any fucking games to gain anyone's attention from our family." I coldly said as I pushed my brother out of my apartment as we had to hurry to PT, or we will be late and deal with the repercussions of our actions.

"I don't know what in the hell is wrong with you Lilith, and I swear I will find out and you will have no choice but to come home." I shook my head annoyed with the damn drama my brother had brought to my door.

* * * * * *

"Hold up Jackal. You stayed the night at Ghosts and then at around two in the morning her older brother came out of the woodwork to cause problems?" I banged my head on top of the table glaring daggers at Hyena who could not stop with the damn amusement in his voice.

"Dude, give it a rest already. Yes, my family is crazy and messed up, my childhood was not the perfect picture everyone seems to see it as." I whined, picking up the half empty water bottle and throwing at Hyena who ducked in time and laughed at my demise.

"Oh, come on Ghost it is kind of funny if you ask me. I mean the fucker peed himself when he was dealing with Jackal." I shook my head smiling at how Hyena could not let it go yet still joke about it. "Listen up! We are leaving for a search and rescue mission in the Sahara desert, in 0600 hours." Hound barked out from the top of the stairs staring me in the eyes with some unknown emotion swirling there.

Saving Lilith: The Navy Seal Saving Series Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now