Lilith 'Ghost' Mackenzie

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I quickly placed my carry-on bag that only holds what I need as the rest of my things were already sent off towards the Naval Base in Coronado, California.

I took my seat near the window on the first commercial flight, ignoring everyone around me not wanting to deal with anyone right now.

I leaned my head back closing my eyes briefly, keeping my senses all open while I was resting my eyes letting the other passengers board the plane from little creek, Virginia to Los Angeles where my new CO was going to be waiting for me at the airport.

"May I sit here?" I opened my eyes briefly to see a very tall man wearing similar off duty navy seal uniform as myself and I knew right away he was a navy seal like me.

"Yeah, sure." I said softly, putting up my arm rest as I watched this tall, dark, and handsome, muscular man take his seat next to me.

I turned away, closing my eyes briefly again trying to make sense of who this man was sitting next to me.

"Alright folks! If you can please get into your seat belts, we will be taking off in a few minutes. This is your captain speaking, and please enjoy your flight."

I let out a sigh hearing the pilot's gruff voice through the plane speakers and quickly put my seat belt on before the plan took off.

"Tell me, what is a pretty little things like yourself doing here?" I turned my hazel greens eyes towards the man next to me who was giving me an amused smirk as he pushed his carry-on bag under his seat.

"To answer your question, I am heading to my new job in California." I softly told him, keeping my eyes narrowed at him raising one of my eyebrows in question.

"Good on you, what do you do if I may ask?" I stared him in eyes, willing my heart rate to slow down before I told him anymore of my person life.

In the corner of my eye, I saw the flight attendant's do the emergency procedures before I felt the plane start to move down the air stripe and into the air.

I was used to this movement as I have been deployed over the last three years using the military helos that I have jumped out of many times and brought back many injured teammates sacrificing myself for there fucking greedy asses.

I just hope my new team will be more willing to accept me as one of there own and not be pushed aside just for being a female navy seal.

"I am heading to Coronado for work." I softly told the man next to me when I noticed one of the flight attendant's hands were shaking slightly.

"Hm, well that is good I live in Coronado with my team, and we are expecting a new member to join us in the next few days." I nodded, now realizing the man next to me is one of my new teammates.

"Well, maybe we will see each other soon enough." I softly said, using my right pointer finger to tap out a morse code on the plastic arm of my chair.

When I saw the slight nod come from the man next to me, we both became tense readying ourselves for what is to come.

"Name is Coyote, and I have two other members in the back of the plane unaware of what is going to happen."

I gave him a curt nod, making it seem like I was stretching when I held my hands above my head facing the back of my hands towards the end of the rows behind us being quick with the hand signals that I was trained to use in all situations to inform the rest of the team.

"Well, Coyote, it's nice to meet you, yet this was not how CO would have like for us to meet, and my name is Ghost." I said, lowering my voice to a whisper for only him to hear.

We both eyed each other, and I knew at once that he had my back without any words needing to be said between us as we waited out the issue at hand.

"What would you all like to drink?" I turned my eyes towards the flight attendant with the snack and drink cart and I could not stop eyeing the glasses filled with ice and I could also see that there was some powder at the bottom of each filled glass.

"I am good thank you." I softly told her, giving her a sweet smile as I sat back leaning my head against my seat.

I hear Coyote doing the same thing as we both relaxed our tense bodies keeping the adrenaline still rushing in my veins as we still waited out trying to figure out who was behind this problem aboard the commercial flight.

"Ghost, I need you to go to Wolf he is in row B12 near the isle, and tell him tweet, he will know what that means." I nodded as I slowly stood up keeping my movement calm as I made my way over to B12 where I can see another large man the same built as Coyote.

I pretended to fall onto his lap, placing my hands on to his shoulders as I leaned towards his ear telling him the code as he helped me up from my fake tripping, he tapped my waist three times letting me know he got it.

I quickly went to the bathroom, using the facility and quickly washing my hands when I was overhearing two people talking about the plan going into action with the take over of the plane.

I quickly and silently made my way over to my seat taking my place next to Coyote as I told him exactly what I overheard back near the bathroom.

"I do not know how many terrorist are aboard, yet they are planning on taking this plane down and taking it over." I whispered, as I leaned against his hard chest whispering into his ear as he wrapped one of his arm around my waist showing we were cuddling and being intimate.

"Good, sit back, and when I give the signal, we will take them out." I nodded against his neck, keeping up the show for whoever the terrorist are, and I placed a kiss against his cheek.

I sat back down in my seat briefly closing my eyes not letting whoever these fuckers are trying to take over a civilian commercial plane.

I opened my eyes to slits to see what was going on and I knew Coyote was about to start the fray between four trained Navy SEALs against the fucking terrorist aboard.

I saw Coyote's hand twitch and I knew right away that was the signal, and I watched Coyote spring quickly into action and I followed suit, taking out the guy that was going to stab Coyote in the back.

Saving Lilith: The Navy Seal Saving Series Book OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon