Lilith 'Ghost' Mackenzie

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"Ghost, let me give you something for the pain." I nodded, biting the bottom of my lip to hold back the immense amount of pain I was going through.

I watched Hyena fill up a small needle with a clear liquid that I know was pain meds with an adrenaline to help keep me going till we reached base camp in Coronado.

"Alright, wrap your arms around me, Ghost." I did as Hyena told me to do wrapping my arms around his neck as he carefully carried outside towards the truck, placing me in the center of the truck's bench as he sat next to me with Coyote getting into the backseat of the truck and Wolf in the driver seat.

I leaned my head against Hyena's shoulder as Wolf began to drive the long five-hour drive to head back to base, back to my new home and to my life with my new SEALs team.

* * * * * *

"Ghost, little sister, you need to wake up sweet girl." I let out a groan and whine when I felt someone shaking my shoulder slightly.

I opened my eyes to glare at the person who was shaking me awake and when I saw Hyena was chuckling at me staring me in the eyes amused.

"Hyena, why the fuck did you have to wake me up?" I whined out as I let him help me out of the truck. I noticed it was close to eleven at night seeing how the spotlights were on all around the base on top of each building that I could see along with the stationed navy ships on the coastline that I could see docked from where the truck was parked.

"Hey, Hyena. Did you get Ghost?" I shook my head with a small smile gracing my face when I heard Wolf's deep gruff voice as he walked over to us.

I felt small compared to this behemoths of military men that were apart of my new unit and for once I felt like I may have a chance to finally belong somewhere.

I let the two men help me inside towards one of the long white buildings that seemed like barracks to me and once we entered, I was correct to assume that was what it was.

"Here, Ghost take a seat." I sat down in the chair that Hyena brought over with his help to seat me down as I knew it could take a few days longer for my bruised ribs to start healing.

"So, this is the new Ensign assigned to our team." I took a deep breath in when I felt Hyena carefully probe my hurting ribs, when I heard the deep smooth voice from somewhere near the left of us.

"Yea, Hound. This is Ghost, she was the one who figured out something was wrong the moment the plane took off days ago." Wolf gruffly said, as he left with our team leader Hound to explain everything that had happened a few days ago.

I took in a sharp breath not letting the pain get to me as I have been through worst overseas and done more than I should to save as many lives on every team I had been apart of through my journey in the navy.

I noticed another man was sitting on one of the bottom bunks staring at me with narrowed eyes and I knew that he was Jackal my other teammate who I believe along with Hound do not want me here or think I can do my job as well as this men can as I am a woman in a Navy SEALs team. "Jackal, correct? If I am that interesting maybe say something and not stare at me as if I am some wild experiment." I harshly sassed out, as I pushed myself away from the three men, I became close with over the last few days.

"I am going to my apartment; you guys do whatever and I will see you all for PT in the morning." I left without waiting for any of them to say anything, as I grabbed my two bags and left the Barracks to head into town and towards my new home for the near future.

The next day I woke up early before my alarm like I normally do, and I got ready for the day putting on my off-duty SEALs uniform and grabbed my to go gym bag along with SK-5 knife placing it in it's sheath on the side of my right thigh, grabbing my keys and wallet putting them in my gym bag as I left my apartment to head out and meet with my team.

Once I arrived, I placed my bag on the ground to see Wolf, in the same uniform as me along with Hyena and the rest of the guys. I took my seat near the three I know personally, keeping my legs spread apart and arms crossed my chest waiting for Hound to show up with our CO.

"Good, glad you arrived safely Ensign." I gave CO Carlson a nod from my seat waiting for the next move and before anything could be said I began to explain everything.

I saw my whole team staring at me with mixed emotions and my eyes stayed glued to Hounds deep smouldering steel grey eyes, as he sat the same way I was staring me in the eyes without saying a word.

"So, you are telling us you noticed the small movement from a flight attendant as well as seeing the drugs in the drinks already pre poured?" Hounds deep voice echoed throughout the barracks.

I gave him a curt nod, narrowing my eyes slightly feeling he will be a hard nut to crack, even if he was roguishly handsome with his sharp features and steel grey eyes and a five o' clock shadow on his strong angular jawline and clear tan skin.

Saving Lilith: The Navy Seal Saving Series Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now