Happy Times

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Wanting to find out the cause for the gathering, the students gathered at the beach with Raku, Hajime, and Nagito arriving last.

Byakuya looks around and sees that Usami wasn't present. He nods.

"It seems the rabbit isn't here yet, I suggest we use this time to share information we found on the island." Byakuya proposed.

Everyone agreed with him without any resistance and began sharing their findings.

"If you cross the bridge, you will arrive at the Central island which is connected to five other islands including this one," Peko pointed to the bridge which was visible from the beach. "However they seem to be blocked off for reasons unknown. "

Ibuki raised her hand. "My turn!" She crossed her arms and began to add her own findings with Peko's.

"Ibuki tried to go to those other islands but that rabbit thing showed and told Ibuki, that the other islands are blocked so we don't get lost." As she explained she had a smug smile and her eyes were closed.

That sounds reasonable, Jabberwock Island is a huge place. But with the maps on our e-Handbooks there's barely a reason for us to get lost. There must be another reason for it.

"Um... T-there's a large supermarket... a-and it looks like it stocks everything from food to living amenities!" Mikan tried to explain calmly but failed and ended up yelling at the end due to nervousness.


"Yeah, I met her there earlier. We could probably live off the things there for a month or so." Raku added to Mikan's account.

This surprised Mikan and she suddenly yelled. "T-thank you, Nanashi!"

"Your welcome?"

Did I do something?

"Apparently, the supermarket gets restocked everyday at least that's what the weird rabbit said." Hajime added with scratch on the back of his head.

"The hotel looks nice and it looks like we're allowed to stay there too, judging from the cottages with our names in them." Mahiru added.

"There's also an airport but the airplanes there don't have engines. So escaping with those is a no go." Kazuichi said, scratching his cheek.

"There's a ranch too." Hiyoko added.

"Is there anything else anyone would like to add?" Raku asked, everyone merely shook their head and said that was all, except for Byakuya who has not said anything since.

"Hmph! It seems you all failed to see the biggest issue at hand?" Byakuya scoffed.

"Issue?" Hajime asked.

Byakuya turns his eyes to Hajime and then looks to everyone's general direction.

"Some of you may have been to the park in Central Island already."

"I've been there but aside from the statue nothing really stands out." Raku said, Peko, Ibuki, Hajime, and Nagito agreed with him.

Byakuya sighed remembering his first encounter with Raku in the Central Island.

"That 'statue' actually reminded me of a story I've read. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, there is a beautiful island paradise where summer never ends. It consists of a central island surrounded by five other islands. It was also said to have five holy animals that symbolize each of those surrounding islands. That island's name is... Jabberwock Island."

So he knew about Jabberwock Island too.

Everyone was surprised by the sudden revelation.

"Are you saying?.." Raku feigned ignorance, which everyone bought.

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