Was this it, then? No one was coming...Damon was too hurt to do a thing, and even if he could fight, there was no way he and the pack were going to be able to fight off the undead.

Tokala shook his head and held up his hand, silencing everyone. "Someone help me pull this door shut—now!"

Jackson snapped out of his thoughts and hurried over with Brando and Alastor. He gripped one of the two handles, and as he prepared to pull, he stared in horror at the tsunami of corpses. Where the hell had they all come from?

"In three," Tokala said. "One, two, three!"

They all pulled on the door, forcing it back into shape as they heaved it shut.

Jackson tried his best to keep as calm as he could. There were already too many of them freaking out. "What about the windshield?" he asked, looking at it.

Tokala moved past everyone and grabbed one of the pistols which must have fallen out of someone's bag. "We'll kill whatever crawls in, and enough of their dead bodies will block access."

"And then what?" Leon asked. "W-we just...we just sit in here and wait for them to tear the van apart and pluck us out like worms in a log?"

The Zeta didn't seem to have an answer.

But then Damon grunted and panted. "The...the driver."

Everyone looked around the van for the driver.

Something hit the van. Something scraped at the metal and thumped the outside walls.

Savage growls and pained groans began surrounding them.

And an undead humanoid stumbled in front of the vehicle and started crawling in through the broken window.

Without a moment's hesitation—and as if this wasn't his first time using a gun—Tokala shot the creature's head, and when it flinched violently, exposing its chest, Tokala shot its heart, and it fell silent.

"Four of you, get up here and help me," the orange-haired man commanded. "Jackson, do you see the driver?"

Jackson looked around, but there was no sign of—

Horrified screaming came from outside the van. Something hit the snow with a thud. And then several savage snarls accompanied the sound of tearing, oozing flesh.

"I...think that was our driver," Jackson said.

Damon then grunted and coughed. "Check the dashboard."

"Fuck," Wesley uttered through gritted teeth as two zombies crawled in through the windows.

Tokala's group shot them, and once they were down, the Zeta moved closer to the front seats and looked around. It looked like he found something, and as he reached for it, a snarling, hissing cadejo burst in through the window beside him—

"Shit!" he shouted as several of the pack whimpered in fear.

Wesley and Brando unloaded several bullets into it as Tokala kicked its face, and after a few more shots, the monster whined and backed off.

Tokala quickly returned to the back of the van, and as he did, Jackson watched as a thick sea of both humanoid and wolf legs flooded the view through the windows.

They were surrounded...and the ocean of corpses was probably growing thicker and thicker by the second. How the hell were they going to get out of this?

"Chief," Tokala said. "You think we can call for backup?"

Jackson turned to face him, and when he saw he was holding a radio, a glimpse of hope flickered through him. "Here," he said desperately, moving over to the Zeta. "I can probably work out how to use it."

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