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They gathered around the dining table, and Hadrian explained what had happened at TOPEKA 32— their conversation with Bacchus, the trap sprung by Gaea, the eidolons that had possessed the boys.

"Of course!" Hazel slapped the table, which startled Frank so much, he dropped his burrito. "That's what happened to Leo too."

"So it wasn't my fault." Leo exhaled. "I didn't start World War Three. I just got possessed by an evil spirit. That's a relief!"

"But the Romans don't know that," Annabeth said. "And why would they take our word for it?"

"We could contact Reyna," Jason suggested. "She would believe us."

"You could convince her, Hads"

"I could try," he said halfheartedly. Guilt was bubbling inside him like a volcano ready to burst. Gaea had asked him to choose and he had. Would he do the same in battle? He probably would. For Kira? He would. But he couldn't suppress the ball of anxiety that grew like a blackhole inside his stomach. He wasn't cut out for this traitor stuff. "But Octavian is the one we have to worry about. In my dream, I saw him taking control of the Roman crowd. I'm not sure Reyna can stop him."

Jason's expression darkened.

"He's right," Frank said. "This afternoon when we were scouting, we saw eagles again. They were a long way off, but closing fast. Octavian is on the warpath."

Hazel grimaced. "This is exactly the sort of opportunity Octavian has always wanted. He'll try to seize power. If Reyna objects, he'll say she's soft on the Greeks. As for those eagles... It's like they could smell us."

"They can," Jason said. "Roman eagles can hunt demigods by their magical scent even better than monsters can. This ship might conceal us somewhat, but not completely— not from them."

Leo drummed his fingers. "Great. I should have installed a smoke screen that makes the ship smell like a giant chicken nugget. Remind me to invent that, next time."

Hazel frowned. "What is a chicken nugget?"

Leo, Percy and Hadrian's eyes bulged as they looked at her. Hazel shifted in her seat.

"Oh, man..." Leo shook his head in amazement. "That's right. You've missed the last like, seventy years. Well, my apprentice, a chicken nugget—"

"Doesn't matter," Annabeth interrupted.

"Annabeth!" Hadrian pressed an offended hand to his chest, "Chicken nuggets and doesn't matter don't belong in the same conversation. Don't worry sweetheart, I'll get you all the chicken nuggets in the world"

Frank frowned, turning a little red.

"And you too Frank" Hadrian added quickly, "I'll third wheel you guys. First date idea: discovering chicken nuggets! It's perfect!"

"Hadrian" Annabeth glared. Wisely, he shut up. "The point is, we'll have a hard time explaining the truth to the Romans. Even if they believe us—"

"You're right." Jason leaned forward. "We should just keep going. Once we're over the Atlantic, we'll be safe—at least from the legion."

"How can you be sure?" Hadrian asked. "Why wouldn't they follow us?"

He shook his head. "You heard Reyna talking about the ancient lands. They're much too dangerous. Roman demigods have been forbidden to go there for generations. Even Octavian couldn't get around that rule."

Frank swallowed a bite of burrito like it had turned to cardboard in his mouth. "So, if we go there..."

"We'll be outlaws as well as traitors," Jason confirmed. "Any Roman demigod would have the right to kill us on sight. But I wouldn't worry about that. If we get across the Atlantic, they'll give up on chasing us. They'll assume that we'll die in the Mediterranean— the Mare Nostrum."

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