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The stair creaked as Hadrian walked up on deck. Frank and Leo both turned to look at him. His hair was a shade of dark red, like all the valentines hearts in the world had been squeezed to dye it.

"Did you just dye your hair?" Frank asked.

"Yes, because one of the demigods got hit in the head and I just had to dye my hair the color of his blood" He deadpanned.


"Don't call me that" Hadrian snapped at Leo. But then sighed. "Just... sorry. It's been a hell of a day"

"I know right?" Leo shook his head. "Is Jason..?"

Hadrian could see the concern written across his face.

"Yeah, he's fine. Just stitched up the wound" Hadrian joined the two, "What the hell happened, Leo? Annabeth said you went crazy"

"Not how I'd describe it" He looked ashamed, but he looked up at Hadrian again, "It was like I couldn't control my own body, like I was watching myself do all that, but I couldn't stop my hands"

That didn't make any sense to Hadrian so he dropped the matter. Now that his anger had seeped out of him, he felt ashamed about his reaction to Percy as well. What the Hades was he trying to do? Kill him?

Would he actually go through with it if that's what it came down to? Kira or Percy? Hadrian didn't have to think twice. He'd give up Percy a million times if it meant he could have Kira back.

Hadrian leaned on the metal dragon figurehead.

"Your hair changed color" Frank pointed out. Truly, how idiotic could one be? Everyone was starting to piss Hadrian off. The reward may be worth it, but damn did he really have to do all this?

Hadrian flipped the big guy off and focused back on Festus. He saw his hair in his reflection- back to a boring brown.

"You can turn into a dragon, but changing hair color is where you draw the line?"

Now that practically everyone on board knew his secret, Hadrian shouldn't have to keep the boring brown, but he would hate it if people just kept staring at the color changing mood ring on the top of his head. He just wanted to be normal, but he had never gotten that.

Festus made a click-creak noise that Hadrian didn't recognize.

"Oh... Hazel," Leo deciphered, thankfully the son of Hephaestus didn't seem that hung up on the whole hair thing "That's the girl with the curly hair, right?"

Hadrian was glad for the topic change. Though he couldn't help but think of Gaea. The primordial had told him she needed two demigods- a boy and a girl (Kira would have made so many nonbinary jokes). Hadrian would eventually have to choose to betray and bring Gaea either Annabeth or this Hazel and one of the boys.

Annabeth and Percy seemed like perfect choices to give up.

Frank gulped. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine," Leo said. "According to Festus, her horse is racing along below. She's following us."

"We've got to land, then," Frank said.

Leo studied him. "She's your girlfriend?"

Frank chewed his lip. "Yes."

"You don't sound sure." Hadrian pointed out.

"Yes. Yes, definitely. I'm sure."

Leo raised his hands. "Okay, fine. The problem is we can only manage one landing. The way the hull and the oars are, we won't be able to lift off again until I repair some basics, so we'll have to make sure we land somewhere with all the right supplies."

Frank scratched his head. "Where do you get Celestial bronze? You can't just stock up at Home Depot."

Despite himself, Hadrian chuckled.

"Festus, do a scan." Leo said.

"He can scan for magic bronze?" Frank marveled. "Is there anything he can't do?"

"Make you smarter"

Frank frowned at Hadrian.

Behind them, the stairs creaked. Percy and Annabeth climbed up, their faces grim.

Leo's heart stumbled. "Any news? Hads said-"

"So it's Hads now?" Percy glared at both of them. Hadrian noticed a red mark near his adam's apple where the scissor had been pressed. Guiltily, he looked away.

"Jason's fine, he's resting," Annabeth said. "Coach is keeping an eye on him, but he should be fine."

"Coach?" Hadrian raised an eyebrow, "The same goat that whacked me on the head with a baseball bat when he caught me kissing a dryad? Why would you think that was a good idea?"

"You charmspoke him" Annabeth said instead, a hard gleam to her eyes. Her fingers twitched as if she wanted nothing more to take her dagger out and stab Hadrian. Being named after one roman emperor was enough for him, he didn't want to die like another. "What the hell is wrong with you? Ever since you came to camp, you've given me reasons not to trust you."

"Well maybe you should tell your "best friend" to keep his god damn mouth shut for once" Hadrian snapped, "You can't do shit without me. It's either seven halfbloods or you- we all fail. So sweetheart, I'm sorry but you're stuck with me. Deal with it"

Percy looked like he wanted to tell Hadrian off for calling Annabeth sweetheart. Wisely, he changed track. Whatever their issues were, they'd handle it later. For now, they had bigger problems.

Percy gave Leo a hard look. "Annabeth says you did fire the ballista?"

"Man, I—I don't understand how it happened. I'm so sorry—"

"Sorry?" Percy growled.

Leo was the only one on board Hadrian really liked. So when he pushed the boy behind him and clenched his jaw, glaring at Percy challengingly, he wasn't surprised.

"Don't even get me started on you-"

Annabeth put a hand on his chest. She frowned at Hadrian too, but he had a feeling she knew how much of an ass her best friend could be. "We'll figure everything out later. Right now, we have to regroup and make a plan. What's the situation with the ship?"

Leo told Annabeth about the damage and the supplies they needed. Percy and Annabeth hadn't stopped looking at Hadrian with looks of loathing. Hadrian would have apologized, but not in front of everyone else.

Leo was bemoaning the shortage of Celestial bronze when Festus began to whir and squeak.

"Perfect." Leo sighed with relief.

"What's perfect?" Annabeth said. "I could use some perfect about now."

Leo managed a smile. "Everything we need in one place. Frank, why don't you turn into a bird or something? Fly down and tell your girlfriend to meet us at the Great Salt Lake in Utah."

Once they got there, it wasn't a pretty landing. With the oars damaged and the foresail torn, they could barely manage a controlled descent. The others strapped themselves in below—except for Coach Hedge, who insisted on clinging to the forward rail, yelling, "YEAH! Bring it on, lake!"

Hadrian and Leo bullying and making fun of Frank is so funny to me I'm sorry😭😭

Everyone is so angry this chapter 💅

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