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Back on the Argo II, they gathered in the mess hall and filled in the rest of the crew.

"I don't like it," Jason said. "The way Asclepius looked at Leo–"

"Aw, he just sensed my heartsickness." Leo tried for a smile. "You know, I'm dying to see Calypso."

"Cute, but not quite" Hadrian narrowed his eyes at Leo. What was he hiding?

Percy frowned at the glowing red vial that sat in the middle of the table. "Any of us might die, right? So we just need to keep the potion handy."

"Assuming only one of us dies," Jason pointed out. "There's only one dose."

Hadrian didn't like all this talk of death. He hated to think that anyone here might be gone forever. Hadn't he lost enough? He wouldn't lose one of the demigods on board. 

Especially not Percy.

"We have to keep our options open," Hadrian suggested. "We need, like, a designated medic to carry the potion – somebody who can react quickly and heal whoever gets killed."

"Good idea, Hads," Leo said. "I nominate you."

Hadrian blinked. "But ... Annabeth is wiser. Hazel can move faster on Arion. Frank can turn into animals–"

Less than a month ago, he had revealed to them that he was going to betray them. And now they were trusting him with something like this?

"But you've got heart." Annabeth smiled at him "Leo's right. When the time comes, you'll know what to do."

"Yeah," Jason agreed, squeezing Hadrian's hand. "I have a feeling you're the best choice, Hads. You're going to be there with us at the end, whatever happens, storm or fire."

Hadrian wanted to assure Percy that he had nothing to worry about, that he was all Hadrian thought about. But still Percy's shoulders slumped. 

Leo picked up the vial. "Is everyone in agreement?"

No one objected.

He pulled a chamois cloth from his tool belt and made a big show of wrapping up the physician's cure. Then he presented the package to Hadrian.

"Okay, then," he said. "Athens in a day. Be ready to fight some giants."

"Yeah..." Frank murmured. "I know I'll sleep well."

After dinner broke up, Jason and Hadrian tried to waylay Leo. They wanted to talk about what had happened with Asclepius, but Leo evaded them.

"I've got to work on the engine," was all he said. 

"Something's definitely up." Jason massaged the bridge of his nose as they watched him walk away. 

"I know, but he won't say anything"

Jason almost poke his eye when he tried to move his new glasses. 

"Not used to glasses?" Hadrian snickered as he reached out to fix the metal frames. 

"Not really" Jason shrugged, "But I like seeing clear"

"I cannot believe you needed glasses but you didn't even know it"

"Kind of a stupid thing to worry about when you're constantly being attacked by monsters" Jason tried a small laugh but it came out flat, "Speaking of monsters... Is it bad that I'm really nervous for Athens, but at the same time, I want it to be over with?"

"Same" Hadrian admitted, "It's killing me to sit around waiting. But I'm not sure what I'll do if I come face to face with Gaea- probably try to strangle her"

"I get it" Jason put a hand on his shoulder, "You had to do a lot- Tartarus, losing Kira again, your mom..."

"I'm just thankful you guys trust me. I'm not sure what I would have done without you" 

"Dude, of course. You're our friend"

"I know, but we've had ups and downs" Hadrian started walking to his cabin, no doubt Percy would be waiting for him. 

"The ups were nice" Jason's lips quirked upwards suggestively. Oh. Right. And since Percy didn't seem that bothered with people knowing, Hadrian figured this was the best time. 

"Jason, I wanted you to know that I'm... kind of seeing someone right now" He dug his fingernails in his arm, "And... the only reason we're not like publicly together is because I thought you'd be weird with it"

"Hads, are you kidding me? I'm happy for you" Jason grinned, the glasses turned wonky on his face again. He spread his arms and bounced on his feet like he was going to go in for a hug, "It's only weird if you make it"

Hadrian shrugged and let Jason hug him. It felt good, to be surrounded by so many people he cared about, the people that loved him back- his family. Kira would have been proud of him. 

"Seriously, Hads, you guys don't have to worry about me" Jason assured him as they broke apart, "I'm sorry if I made things complicated. I've been saying it from the first time, it was just a bit of fun"

"Thanks for being awesome"

"Excuse you, that's Leo's title" Jason snorted. 

"Of course, we wouldn't want to take that away from him," Hadrian chuckled. 

"You read the sign at the doctor's- All da ladies love him"

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