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"the rain sounds really good right" you sigh sitting on corner of the bed

"right" jaehyun said laying down on the bed with his phone

You light up a candle and came back to lay beside him

"what are you doing?" you ask

"watching some pictures" he responded handing you the phone so he could wrap his arms around you

"oh I remember this one" you said looking at the picture

"this was in my appartement before we move in together" you add smiling

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"this was in my appartement before we move in together" you add smiling

"we had sleepover and I get drunk.. I was all messy" he said laughing and you nodded laughing as well

 I was all messy" he said laughing and you nodded laughing as well

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"ohh look at us matching together" he said

"perfect" you said

"it's like we were born to be together" he add smiling

"why there are many pictures of me" you smiled scrolling

"I love staring at them when we are apart"

"I love staring at them when we are apart"

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Imagines ৎ୭ Jung JaehyunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora