weird y/n

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"How time takes you to come" you spoken through the phone

"Not much, I'm on my way baby" jaehyun replied

"Okay I'm waiting drive safe love you bye" you hang up and went to check on the cookies you've made for him

Time passed

Jaehyun was laying on the bed playing with his phone, but put his phone away when you sat on his lap, he hold your hands and you both were just looking at each other

You decided to play him a bit, you start to move you hips near his era, he already seems to be turned on

You smirked and sat on his era, a little moan skipped from his mouth when you start moving slowly

"S- stop babe you know i had schedules later ahh" it's hard for him to hold his moans and control himself

You just ignored him and kept moving but faster this time just as the way he likes it

He couldn't take it anymore and pushed you on the bed. This time he was on top of you

"I said stop" he spoke seriously  looking straight into your eyes

"Sorry daddy" you smirked while looking into his ryes as well

"Oh my god how could you affect on me this much with that word and those eyes i just.. it's-" he throw himself back to be laying next to you

"Magic" you giggle

"I need to now" he get up

"Now ? But you were here just 45 minutes ago" you pouted

"I know baby I'm sorry but you know... work" he said

"Mm yeah.. go.. take care" you replied

"Love you bye" he said and closed the door

"Bye" you said with low tone as so things came in your mind

You checked your phone to see jaehyun's schedules, he sent you pic of it earlier

His schedules start at 5PM and now it's 1PM, and from that you started overthinking to come up with conclusion in the end that he gets annoyed when you play with him dirty, you do that most of times that means.. he gets annoyed from you

You cried at that conclusion your mind ends up with until you fell asleep

You've been dating just for 3 months, you still think that you don't know him well that's why you're overthinking most of time


In next few days you were trying to avoid talking with him, you were afraid.. 'what if i said something bad again' that's what you were thinking all the time, so you decide to avoid meeting or talking with him until you 'fix your self' as you want

Everytime he asked if he can come over you come up with excuse so he can't come, everytime he calls you come up with excuse so you don't talk much

This are start getting weird between you two

One day jaehyun decided to visit you without saying, that night you were just chilling on the little garden beside your home. Jaehyun knew that as like to go there

"Baby" he said standing behind you

"What are you doing here now ? it's late" you stand up

"I need to talk to you" he let out a sigh

"What's wrong jaehyun ?" You asked

"Jaehyun hah jaehyun !!!" He looked curious

"What's wrong with YOU, you're acting weird lately" he add

"I do ?" You asked

"Yes you do, like now you just called me by my name you always call my baby or daddy or-"

"But you hate that word right ?"

"Not when you say it" he replied fast

"But no.. i- i- it's just.. i thought you hate that so i decide to keep my limits and be careful of what i do or i say" you said in one breath

"Don't you ever think like that again i love you just the way you are okay ? Next time talk about it at least don't let me on seen 5 straight days i was about to die" he hugged you tightly

"I love you too daddy" you hugged him back

"Yaaay okay that's what i want" he said excitement


Help y'all i think this is so cringe skskskjhdsj

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