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you like jaehyun ever since you met him in the universe and seems like he likes you too at least that what you thought..

no actually that's what every one knows you both had big crush on each other, it was so clear from his side he's always by your side, gives you flowers, flirting with you sometimes. but from your side.. it's not the same you've been always shy around him, you don't talk much with you but at least you don't reject him when he gives you gifts or asks you out

2 pm

jaehyun was looking for you since he noticed that you did come to the cafeteria with your friends.. he saw you with jungwoo talking but when he when toward you two he realize you both were not just talking but fighting

"fine just do the hell you want" you yelled and walked away from him

you passed by jaehyun

"hey y/-.." he said but you were too angry to noticed him

he saw as you going away from him

you went to your home, you were shaking, you don't have energy anymore after that argument with jungwoo. he's really close to you it's rare when both of you fight

6:33 pm

you were preparing your popcorn and snacks to watch Netflix.. you heard the bell.

you opened the door

"jaehyun !!" you said surprised

"hey.. umm.. you weren't good this morning and you didn't answer my messages so i wanted to check up on you, are you okay now ?" he said in one breath shyly

"yeah i'm ok-ayy now, c-come in" you said

"welcome, i was about to watch some Netflix if you want to watch or.. maybe we can change the plan if you don't want to" you said and went to get the snacks from the kitchen

"noo let's watch it together" he said setting on couch

it was a romantic movie, you were taking a look at jaehyun time by time, he looks really cute when he focus on something

after movie

you took a deep sigh as the movie ends with happy ending

"that was so cute" you said

"yea-" he said not taking his eyes of you

"what ?-" you said smiling looking at him

"nothing" he said with a big smile

"ju- just you look c- cute and pretty" he add

"thank you, you're handsome too" you said looking at him

now you're both making eye contact, getting near to him

it's the time.. you thought

you were about to kiss.. but jaehyun's phone rang.. you took a look at the screen, it's Rani the pick me girl on, she's been around jaehyun from along time and this is really annoy you.

you took sigh giving him his phone and went back to your normal position, but threw his phone away and grabbed your chin connecting your lips together, you were surprised at first so you didn't kiss him back, but you cupped his face between your hands kissing him back went you felt him getting away from you and he smiled into the kiss

"i love you" you said after breaking the kiss

"i love you too so much" he said and kissed you again

skip time

you were laying on jaehyun chest telling him why you and jungwoo had that fight earlier, he asked you so you told him

"no both of you are wrong" he said

"no i'm not, he's the one who start that" you said pouting

"no both of you are wrong" he said again

"heyy i'm your girlfriend" you said pouting

"i'm just saying the truth" he said and laughed

his phone rang again, you heard as he huffed, now you know who's calling it's Rani

"can i do it ?" you asked looking at him

he nodded and gives you the phone

"hello ?" you said answering the phone and put in on speaker

"who's this ?" you add waiting for her to answer

"isn't this jAeHyUuNiEe number ?" she said

"yes it is but who are you ?"

"whatt, no who are you ?? what are you doing with jAeHyUniEe ?" she said yelling

"why shouldn't i be with my boyfriend" you said trying not to laugh and jaehyun gives a sign that he'll speak now, you nodded

"boy--" she was about to talk but she stopped when she heard jaehyun's voice

"babe who's this ?" he said trying to hold his laugh

"a girl saying JaEhYuNiie or what" you said

"gimmie this- hey Rani i told not to call me anymore i have girlfriend i want to spend time with" he said and hang up laughing

next day

you went with jaehyun to the cafeteria holding hands

"y/nniee" jungwoo yelled when he saw you opening his arms for you to hug him

but jaehyun went to hug him instead of you, jungwoo break the hug wanting to hug you but jaehyun hugs him again

"let me apologize" jungwoo said laughing and jaehyun breaks the hug letting him go for you.

jungwoo stands in front of you and opened his arms, you hugged him pouting

"i'm sorry okay ?" he said

"it's fine" you said looking at him

"sorry sorry sorry" he kept saying it with his cute voice and swaying with you

"she said it's fine" jaehyun said and pulled you away from him wrapping his arms around your shoulders showing everyone that you belongs to him

Imagines ৎ୭ Jung JaehyunNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ