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when you can't sleep// short fluff

2:30 AM

you can't sleep, as usual..
you've been having so many problems lately that actually cause you depression and it affects on your sleep also

you sigh wanting to get up maybe a walk on the garden could help

you moved slowly not wanting to wake your boyfriend up..

but you felt him moving, he's up now

"sorry baby-" you said

"didn't i told you to wake me up if you can't sleep?!" he said

"come back here" he add opening his arms for you

you came back into his arms cuddling

he was drawing circles on your back, he know that makes feel relaxed


"mmm" he hummed as a response

"did you ever wondered how a man like end up with a girl like me?.. you deserve the best" you said

"yeah i deserve the best that's why you exist" he kissed you head

you smiled shyshly hiding you face on his chest.. and he smiled proudly, happy that he made you smile..

thank you for 1k reader!

Imagines ৎ୭ Jung Jaehyunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن