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"baby are you ready? we have to go, we're already late.. mira messaging me no stop" you said going downstairs

"i'm ready if you are" he said fixing his hair

"somebody looks hot" you leaned and pecked his cheek

"nothing new" he giggled

he was wearing black slim jeans with white t-shirt and black jacket..
maybe basic but he looks hot.

"let's go" you hold his hand dragging him out

you promised your friend mira to take of her daughter while she go on a date, she's single mom..

it took you 20min to reach her house with the car.. the drive was lil flirty and vibing with music

"finally you're here" mira hugged you

"he's here also you need to go, good luck" you said as you saw her date's car

you went inside to find diana her one years old daughter watching tv

good start

you went to kitchen to check if mira left any tips for you or something like that.. with your boyfriend following you of course

"she didn't left any learners for us" you sigh disappointed

"it's okay it's chance for us to practice" he smirked hugging your waist

"shut up" you slaped him softly on his arm smiling

you heard her diana crying.. and you started to panic a bit when you pick her up but it didn't work

"chill babe, she's probably hungry" he pat on her back

"i don't think so mira told she already ate" you said

"when kids cry it's that they're hungry  or they pooped and they need to change" he said

you stopped for a minute realizing

"ohh yeah.. i can smell it, take" you gave him diana

"go change for her" you smirked

"why me" he pouted

"you want to practice go practice then and i'll see what's the plan for lunch"

after lunch~~

you shower her change her clothes and put her on her bed to sleep

"she slept ?" he asked sitting on couch

"yes" you answered

"come here my baby" he opens his arms for you as he notice your sleepy eyes

"you must've be tried huh.. you will be the best mom ever" he kissed your forehead hugging you closer

Imagines ৎ୭ Jung Jaehyunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें