He's your master (interracial image for Lesie )

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You wipe the sweat off your forehead and continue picking your cotton in the 90 degree weather.

Master's been on a beating thrist lately and he's had his eye on you too.

You don't know if it's good or bad but you don't really wanna find out.

Last week he nearly beat Susie to death for not answering him quickly enough.

You don't like her that much but she didn't deserve that.

You fall to your knees feeling dizzy from the burning heat.

You haven't had water in days.

You feel someone put their hand on your back,  "Sweetheart I know you're tired.  We're all tired. But you best ta get ta pickin' before masa get ta wipin'!" You hear Layla say to you.

She 50 and like a Mother to you.

You were about to respond when you she Shaundra before kicked down the stairs of the house and masa Justin come out the house pissed with a gun,"This is what happens to you negro's when you don't listen to orders!!"

Masa Justin screams.

He grabs a crying Shaundra by the hair and puts the gun to the back of her head.

Her Mother, Layla,  is on the ground crying and you look at her with pity.

Layla works in the fields and shaundra works in the house.

Everything goes silent once a gun shot is hears and the cries of Shaundra stops.

Her Mother bursts out crying and you wipe your tears and crawl over to Layla and hold her as she cries.

As she's crying a shadow covers your head and you see masa Justin staring at you with lust.

Your throat goes completely dry wondering what he wants.

Layla stops crying and looks up too but she's still sniffling.

"You, what's your name? " Masa Justin asks you.

"M-My is Tamara sir." You stutter out.

He nods his head.

"Well Tamara, you're my new house nigga."

To be continued.....
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