Meeting the Mystic Masters

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A few days after meeting Spiderman, Harry felt a tugging on his magic. Curious about all that had happened in the past with his magic, he placed the book he was reading down and grabbed the cloak and Elder wand from the chair and table respectively. Then apparated to a grassy field that was typical of European vacation photos and didn't seem possible to replicate in real life. Looking from under the cloak, Harry kept his eyes open and was on the look out for any hint of danger as he wasn't sure exactly why his magic sent him here. All was answered when reality seemingly shattered in front of him.

He leaped out of the way as it thrown out two magic users and they landed on their backs, however quickly got up and prepared these magic glowing bands and circles. "They'll be coming through soon Strange!" "Not if I have anything to do about it Wong". Having said that Strange was then surrounded by these tentacles at the speed of light. Instincts running through Harry, he tossed the cloak off him (making sure to transport it into his room), whipped his wand out and casted "DIFFINDO!". The tentacle exploded and earned Strange enough time to evade the next few but the rest now seemingly took their attention now to Harry. Dogging the rest of the appendages, Strange was holding is own while Wong was casting his own elaborate spell.

The next few minutes consisted of Wong chanting while Harry avoided the tentacles and Strange severed them. Eventually Wong finished and yelled for them to move out of the way. Harry was already out of the way and Strange ended up doing the same as Wong then slammed the spell circle into the ground and chains constricted these sea arms to the reality break and formed these threads preventing them from escaping again. Strange and Wong then casted even more spells while Harry was catching his breath in deep inhales.

They apparently finished faster than he thought it would take since they turned back and before he could react a glowing whip bound his arms together. Fascinated with the magic he glanced from his restraints to where the reality break was and saw nothing there. It got even more interesting when he saw a circle like portal open when one of them waved his arm in a circle motion.

However his curiosity was dimmed when he was rudely escorted through it into a large living room structure surrounded by magical objects. A soft light brightened the room that was decorated with red and black tiled floors and bookshelves lined the walls. A large circular window illuminated the room and dark red leather couches and armchairs was in the room surrounding a dark wooden coffee table.

Harry was impolitely dropped into one of their armchairs and his bands tightened in warning while the other two magic users took a seat on the couch in front of him. Not bothered with the blatant intimidation (after all he faced Voldemort, this doesn't really compare with a mass murder), Harry put one leg up and rested his head against it while waiting for one of them to speak before he got bored or tired enough to leave.

"So, boy" Harry flinched at the word but they didn't notice it since it was quite small "Who are you?" "My name is Harry and you're the narcissistic Doctor Strange that disappeared off the trace of the Earth" "What's your magic faction" questioned Wong after a while since Strange was preoccupied staring at the kid from knowing him so quickly. "Well... does wizard count?" Harry questioned seriously, dragging his eyes to the minor magic artifacts on a table he didn't notice being there. "We are sorcerers, using the magic from the infinite dimensions and draw them out to protect our universe. On the other hand are the seider users, they use a limited storage of magic from inside them to perform magic. Now, which are you?" Wong stated with a small sense of belittlement in his voice. "Neither" Harry stated calmly while not appreciating his tone, looking at the magic whip handcuffs he had around his arms as if to see this dimension magic on them.While they do seem to glow a dark orange, it also reflected the colors of the streams that avoided Harry.

"That's not possible" "Well if there's any doubt about it, I exist and you literally said that multiple dimensions exist. So why wouldn't it be possible?" Harry rolled his eyes and said it so sarcastically that Wong rolled his eyes in response. "Explain to us your magic then, because it would make no sense as you would need to use a different magic pathway than the one we are using in this dimension, since they literally do not exist."

"Look" Harry sighed "I come from a world that's 10 years in the past. Over there, there was only one part of the world that was filled with magical races such as centaurs and other mythical creatures in this dimension. The predominant human magic race were the witches and wizards. And before you ask, yes we use wands and yes we follow much of the lore that is here. Any other burning questions I need to answer?"

"Obviously there's more!" Wong exclaimed but Harry was bored, he quickly scanned the area around him, memorizing the building to apparate in later. "So, I'll drop in later" he broke the whips, making them shatter and apparated on the spot to go to his bedroom in order to collect his thoughts and questions.


When Harry broke the whips around his arms, he and Wong were too late to capture him again. They quickly scanned the Sanctum to see any magic anomalies but after finding none they decided to wait for Harry to return as he said he would and they couldn't do anything else(after all they couldn't find him before so why would that change now). Strange was pacing around while Wong was there twitching in irritation. Finally relenting, Wong brought some books from the library to read with Strange while they waited. This continued until the sun was setting and they heard a small pop, ripping their eyes from the pages they were reading, they saw Harry standing there"I'm back but don't expect me to stay long after that rude invitation."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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